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Flourishing Scale (FS)

The Flourishing Scale is a brief 8-item summary measure of the respondent's self-perceived success in important areas such as relationships, self-esteem, purpose, and optimism. Items are rated on a seven point rating scale from Strongly disagree to Strongly agree. The scale provides a single psychological well-being score. It has also been translated into Chinese, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, and Turkish.

Author of Tool: 
Diener, E., Wirtz, D., Tov, W., Kim-Prieto, C., Choi, D., Oishi, S., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2009)

Affect Intensity Measure (AIM) (Long and Short Form)

The Affect Intensity Measure (AIM) examines emotional reactions to typical life events. It typically contains 40 items, although a 20 item short-form of the measure is available, rated on six point scale from Never to Almost Always. The AIM gives an indication of how strongly or weakly an individual tends to experience emotions in their everyday life.

Author of Tool: 
Larsen, R. J.

Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) (Long and Brief Form)

The MSLSS is made up of several subscales including family, friends, school, living environment, and self.
It consists of 40 items each rated on a six point scale from Strongly disagree to Strongly agree. The brief form is comprised of 6 items rated on a seven point scale from Terrible to Delighted. Normative data is available for elementary, middle, and high school students (See the MSLSS manual linked to below). The MSLSS is designed to be used effectively with children across a wide range of age (grades 3-12) and ability levels (e.g., children with mild developmental disabilities...

Author of Tool: 
Huebner, E. S.

Students' Life Satisfaction Scale

The Students' Life Satisfaction Scale is a brief, 7 item, measure of life satisfaction in children. It is designed for use with children as young as 8 years of age.

Author of Tool: 
Huebner, E. S.

Bedimo-Rung Assessment Tools- Direct Observation Instrument to Measure Environmental Characteristics of Parks for Physical Activity (BRAT-DO)

The BRAT-DO is part of a set of assessment instruments, The Bedimo Rung Assessment Tools, designed to measure the physical, social, and policy environments of parks. This particular tool is a direct observation measure intended to visually identify and evaluate the following aspects of parks: 1) Features, 2) Condition, 3) Access, 4) Esthetics, and 5) Safety.

Author of Tool: 
Bedimo-Rung, A. L., Gustat, J., Tompkins, B. J., Rice, J., & Thomson, J.

Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors (ISSB) (Long and Short-Form)

The Inventory of Social Supportive Behaviors (ISSB) is a 40-item self-report measure that was designed to assess how often individuals received various forms of assistance during the preceding month. The instrument conceptualises social support as including tangible forms of assistance, such as the provision of goods and services, and intangible forms of assistance, such as guidance and expressions of esteem. Subjects are asked to rate the frequency of each item on 5-point Likert scales (1=not at all, 2=once or twice, 3=about once a week, 4=several times a week, and 5=about every day). A...

Author of Tool: 
Barrera, M., Sandler, I. M., & Ramsay, T. B.

Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS) (Long and Short Form)

The Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS) can be used to track changes weekly in the behaviors hypothesized to underlie depression and specifically targeted for change by behavioral activation. It examines changes in the following areas: activation, avoidance/rumination, work/school impairment, and social impairment. The BADS consists of 25 questions, each rated on a seven point scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 6 (completely). The short-form BADS consists of 9 items rated using the same scale as the long-form.

Author of Tool: 
Kanter, J. W., Mulick, P. S., Busch, A. M., Berlin, K. S., & Martell, C. R.

Brief Family Distress Scale

Researchers and clinicians often require a quick assessment instrument to gauge the magnitude of distress or crisis experience in families. While excellent measures of stress and coping in families exist, we wanted to develop a measure that could quickly convey meaningful information about a families current crisis situation. The Brief Family Distress Scale (BFDS) was meant to be brief so that even families in severe distress could complete it. The response choices were derived from qualitative interviews with parents of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders or Intellectual...

Author of Tool: 
Jonathan A. Weiss; Yona Lunsky

Team Learning and Psychological Safety Survey

The Team Learning and Psychological Safety Survey is a 24 item measure. Team psychological safety, defined as the extent to which the team views the social climate as conducive to interpersonal risk, is assessed. Internal team learning behaviors, including the extent to which team members engage in behaviors designed to monitor progress and performance against goals and behaviors designed to test assumptions and create new possibilities, and external team learning behaviors, defined as the extent to which team members engage in behaviors designed to obtain information and feedback from...

Author of Tool: 
Edmondson, A.

Patient Safety Climate in Healthcare Organizations (PSCHO)

The PSCHO is a 45 item measure that assesses safety culture in healthcare organizations. Six close-ended demographic items are also included. The PSCHO is comprised of 12 subscales that assess different aspects of safety climate. These subscales are grouped into four categories: hospital contributions to safety climate, work unit contributions to safety climate, interpersonal contributions to safety climate, and other aspects of safety climate. The hospital contributions to safety climate is composed of the senior managers' engagement, organizational resources for safety, and overall...

Author of Tool: 
Singer, S., Meterko, M., Baker, L., Gaba, D., Falwell, A., & Rosen, A.
