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The Masculine Role Inventory (MRI)
Restrictive emotionality was defined as the restricted expression of privately felt emotions. Inhibited affection refers to the inhibition of feelings of affection and tenderness toward others. Success preoccupation was defined as a persistent preoccupation with success and career development to the exclusion of interpersonal pursuits and devotion.
Beliefs About Women Scale (BAWS)
In the last couple of decades, researchers have become increasingly interested in examining the many facets of gender stereotypes. One particular area on which attention has been focused concerns "stereotypic" beliefs about women. The 16-item self-report Beliefs About Women Scale BAWS is used in the investigation of women's and men's personal functioning, cognitive activity, and interpersonal relationships.
The Emotional Self- Disclosure Scale (ESDS)
People vary in how willingly and how often they discuss their emotional experiences with others. Research indicates that men and women sometimes diverge in their disclosure tendencies, usually in response to unique characteristics associated with the topic and recipient of the disclosure.The Emotional Self-Disclosure Survey (ESDS) consists of 40 topics concerned with the types of feelings and emotions that people experience at one time or another in their life. This survey is concened with the extent to which you have discussed these feelings and emotions with your counselor.
The Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale (MFSDS)
The research literature on self-disclosure is not consistent with gender stereotypes. While some studies demonstrate that women are more self-revealing than men, some find the opposite to be the case. The Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale (MFSDS) has four separate subscales: two masculine scales assess the tendency to discuss agentic, instrumental traits and behaviors; and two feminine scales measure the tendency to self-disclose about communal, expressive traits and behaviors.
The Relational Assessment Questionnaire (RAQ)
A number of researchers have examined the impact of self-related tendencies on intimate relationships. The Relational Assessment Questionnaire (RAQ) is an objective self-report instrument which measures relational-esteem, the tendency to positively evaluate one's capacity to relate intimately to another person; relational-depression, the tendency to feel depressed about the status of one's intimate relationships; and relational-preoccupation, the tendency to be highly obsessed with thoughts about intimate relationships.
Conflict Between the Sexes Instrument
Costs and Benefits of Friendship
Brief Mood Introspection Scale (BMIS)
Mood experience id comprised of at least two elements: the direct experience of the mood, and the meta-level of experience that consists of thoughts and feelings about the mood. Here, mood is experienced at a reflective level. This reflective level has been studied in part, however the development of the Brief Mood Introspection Scale (BMIS) is a first attempt to integrate these reflective experiences, and to think of them functionally, as the products of a regulatory process that monitors, evaluates, and sometimes acts to change mood.