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Multiple Sclerosis Self-Management Scale-Revised (MSSM-R)
In the development of the Multiple Sclerosis Self-Management Scale-Revised (MSSM-R) we have attempted to create an instrument that addresses both the multidimensional nature of self-management in general, and those aspects of self-management that may be specific to the experience of persons with MS. Recent definitions of self-management consistently highlight its multidimensional nature. Among the most frequently identified dimensions, which we have incorporated in the MSSM-R, are:
(1) Understanding one’s condition and participating in learning about MS;
(2) Managing one’s...
Quality and Safety Self-Efficacy Scale
Nursing is a caring profession, which practices alongside other disciplines. Communication amongst health care personnel has been implicated in the literature as a cause of most patient errors and sentinel events between 1995 and 2006 (American Association of Critical Care Nursing [AACN], 2005; Dillon et al., 2009; Joint Commission, 2012; Wachter, 2010; World Health Organization, 2007). The majority of nursing programs do not include interdisciplinary or collaborative educational experiences in their curricula (Lavin et al., 2001).
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)...
Unlike most other instruments developed to assess meaning/purpose in life (e.g. Purpose in Life Test, Meaning in Life Questionnaire), the Logo-Test-R does not attempt to directly assess meaning in life by explicit statements about meaningfulness (e.g., I understand my life's meaning) or the lack of it (e.g., My personal existence is utterly meaningless, without purpose). Rather, the Logo-Test-R includes factors contributing to a sense of meaning and symptoms resulting from its absence or weakness. This approach provides a less redundant item pool and more information for practitioners who...