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Service to Others in Sobriety (SOS)

Giving, helping, volunteering, being of service, unselfishness, goodwill—whatever the term—human beings worldwide engage in generous, altruistic behavior toward others. Although such acts are, by definition, performed without expectation of external reward or reciprocation (Zemore & Pagano, 2009), they nonetheless provide specific benefits to the helper. A growing body of research shows evidence of the health benefits to helpers across the life span. Youths have been shown to enjoy lower levels of disciplinary problems (Calabrese & Schumer, 1986), better values, and educational...

Author of Tool: 
Maria E. Pagano, Amy R. Krentzman, Casey C. Onder, Justina L. Baryak, Jennifer L. Murphy, William H. Zywiak, Robert L. Stout

The IDEA: Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood

Arnett (2000) has proposed that the time of life roughly between ages 18-25 be considered a "distinct period" called emerging adulthood (EA). Essentially, this is a time when individuals tend to consider themselves too old to be adolescents, but not yet full-fledged adults. The Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (IDEA) can be used to explore individual differences in self-identification with the processes of EA. Education of parents on the concept of EA could give parents added understanding of their children's life choices and delays in accomplishment of traditional adult...

Author of Tool: 
Reifman, A.

The PANAS-X: Manual for the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule

In recent research, two broad, general factors—typically labeled Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA)—have emerged reliably as the dominant dimensions of emotional experience. These factors have been identified in both intraand interindividual analyses, and they emerge consistently across diverse descriptor sets, time frames, response formats, languages, and cultures. The PANAS-X: Manual for the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule , is a 60-item, expanded version of the PANAS. In addition to the two original higher order scales, the PANAS-X measures 11 specific affects: Fear,...

Author of Tool: 
Watson, D.

The Symbolic Racism 2000 Scale

The Symbolic Racism 2000 Scale is a modern measure of symbolic racism, described as a coherent belief system combining the following ideas: that racial discrimination is no longer a serious obstacle to blacks' prospects for a good life; that blacks' continuing disadvantages are due totheir own unwillingness to take responsibility for their lives; and that, as a result, blacks' continuing anger about their own treatment, their demands for better treatment, and the various kinds of special attention given to them are not truly justified (see Sears, van Laar, Carrillo, & Kosterman, 1997...

Author of Tool: 
Henry, P.

Acceptance of Modern Myths About Sexual Aggression (AMMSA) scale

Although the construct was introduced during the era of second wave feminism, it was not until 1980 that Martha Burt published the first social scientific examination of rape myth acceptance.This scale design began with the standard definition that rape myths are ‘descriptive or prescriptive beliefs about rape … that serve to deny, downplay or justify sexual violence that men commit against women’ In rape myth methodology prior to the Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression (AMMSA), a minimum stipulation was that rape myths needed to be demonstrably false. Significantly however...

Author of Tool: 
Gerger, H., Kley, H., Bohner G., Siebler, F.

Temptations to Drink Instrument

This short form situational Temptations to Drink Scale was developed from an original 21-item inventory by Migneault.

Author of Tool: 
Maddock, Jay.

College Alcohol Problems Scale - Revised (CAPS-r)

The College Alcohol Problems Scale - Revised (CAPS-r) was developed from the College Alcohol Problems Scale (CAPS). CAPS-r is a short reliable and valid measure of alcohol-related problems is needed to enable low-cost data collection on college campuses across the nation, as well as to facilitate program evaluation and routine epidemiological surveillance and monitoring.

Author of Tool: 
Maddock, Jay.

Preference for Solitude Scale

Past research suggests that solitude can have either a positive or a negative impact on a person′s well-being. How time away from others affects people may depend on the person′s general preference for solitude. Most research relates wellbeing to the amount of time spent alone, but not about the link between wellbeing an a person's preference for being alone. The Preference for Solitude Scale addresses this.

Author of Tool: 
Burger, Jerry.

China MSM Stigma Scale

Previous research has documented the deleterious impact of homosexuality stigma on HIV sexual risk behavior among men who have sex with men (MSM) and the vulnerability of this group in China for HIV acquisition The China MSM Stigma Scale assesses both impressions of the degree of societal stigmatisation of homosexuals and enacted stigma which is direct personal experiences of stigmatizing behaviours.

Author of Tool: 
Centre for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)

India HIV-Related Stigma Scale

Stigma complicates the treatment of HIV worldwide. Perceptions of high levels of stigma (felt normative stigma) motivate people to avoid disclosing their HIV status. These perceptions are often shaped by stories of discrimination against other HIV-infected individuals (vicarious stigma). The India HIV-Related Stigma Scale was developed from a HIV-related stigma theoretical framework for use in India.

Author of Tool: 
Centre for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)
