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Saint Louis Environment and Physical Activity Instrument
The questionnaire includes a detailed assessment of walking behavior, places to walk, barriers to being physically active, neighborhood infrastructure for walking and cycling, perceptions about places for walking, social assets, social support for physical activity, community assets, policy attitudes, and sedentary behaviors.
Measuring Urban Design Qualities—An Illustrated Field Manual
Urban design qualities depend on physical features but are distinct from them. They reflect the general way in which people perceive and interact with the environment. The urban design qualities operationalized in this manual are:
• imageability
• enclosure
• human scale
• transparency
• complexity
The Homophobia Scale
The Homophobia Scale consists of 25 statements to which participants answer on a 5-point Likert scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree). The HS includes items that examine social avoidance and aggressive acting, in addition to the attitudinal items found on many homophobia measures, providing incremental value for the HS that departs from other scales.
The Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Identity Scale (LGBIS)
The development of the LGBIS is fully described by Mohr and Kendra (2011). This version of the scale replaces the unpublished version used and described in Balsam and Mohr (2007).
US Determinants of Exercise in Women Phone Survey
Despite the well-established benefits of physical exercise, many adult females do not obtain the recommended amounts. Obstacles to physical activity occur at multiple levels, including at the individual, interpersonal, and environmental levels. This survey represents a measure of assessing the self-reported physical activity levels of women from diverse ethnic backgrounds and some of their correlates.
Physical Activity and Sport Anxiety Scale (PASAS)
This test was developed from a need to integrate measures of social anxiety and avoidance into assessment of physical activity and sport. Given the importance of physical exercise to individual health, accounting for psychological moderators of exercise behaviour is crucial.
The Panic Attack Questionnaire
The PAQ is a comprehensive tool that aims to for assess various aspects of panic phenomenology. It begins by providing respondents with a definition of panic attacks (according to DSM-III) to create a common understanding of the construct. From there, participants construct their self-assessment. It collects information about participant's frequency of panic attacks and the context in which they arose, as well as intensity of pain symptoms. The final section of the questionnaire consists of open-ended questions about medication use, stress, and treatment received for other illnesses or...
Anxiety Disorder Diagnostic Questionnaire (ADDQ)
The ADDQ was constructed as a screening tool for the presence of clinical fear and anxiety independent of diagnoses, in both clinical and nonclinical populations.
The Parental Beliefs About Anxiety Questionnaire (PBA-Q)
The influence of parental beliefs in predicting child anxiety has been recently documented (Francis & Chorpita, 2011). The PBA-Q provides a way of examining the relationship between specific parental cognitions and anxiety experienced by children in a general clinical population.
Contentment with Life Assessment Scale (CLAS)
Perceived global satisfaction with one's life is generally thought to be above average. Lavallee and colleagues (2007), in their study, report that the average Anglo-American's life satisfaction may be more accurately described as neutral. The CLAS is a measure developed to assess life satisfaction to better understand differences in subjective well-being.