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Partner Interaction Questionnaire (PIQ-20)

A number of studies have found that persons whose partners reportedly supported their efforts to quit smoking were more likely to quit smoking and maintain abstinence. Less clear, however, is what kinds of partner behaviours are helpful to quitters and what kinds are harmful. This lack of information about mediating behaviours may be responsible, in part, for the ineffectiveness of interventions designed to facilitate spouse/partner support for quitting smoking. Partner Interaction Questionnaire (PIQ-20) that includes separate subscales assessing positive and negative behaviours provided...

Author of Tool: 
Cohen, S.

Global Citizen Scale

The Global Citizen Scale assists researchers fostering global citizenship identity in educational settings and model the process of identification with a global citizenship identity.

Author of Tool: 
Reysen, Stephen

Belief in Collective Emotions Scale

The article in which the Belief in Collective Emotions Scale was published consisted of three studies where participants' belief in collective emotions and related concepts were examined. Participants' belief in the existence of collective emotions positively correlated with measures of in-group identification, collective guilt assignment to an out-group, patriotism, conformity to the in-group, collectivist values, and collective self‐esteem. The belief in collective emotions mediated the relationship between in-group identification and patriotism, and it also mediated the relationship...

Author of Tool: 
Reysen, Stephen

Reysen Likability Scale

While much is known about the concept of likability, a single encompassing tool to measure likability did not exist before the Reysen Likability Scale, which measures the degree of likability for a target source, specifically an individual.

Author of Tool: 
Reysen, Stephen.

Brief Betrayal Trauma Survey (BBTS)

According to betrayal-trauma theory (Freyd, 1994, 1996), experiences involving a betrayal of trust, such as childhood abuse perpetrated by an adult who is quite close to the victim, led to a set of outcomes that differ in kind from traumas that do not involve betrayal. Freyd (1999, 2001) hypothesized that separate clusters of symptoms of post-traumatic distress arise from two distinct dimensions of harm–life threat and social betrayal. Life threat is predicted to lead to symptoms of anxiety and hyper-arousal; social betrayal should lead to symptoms of dissociation, emotional numbness and...

Author of Tool: 
Goldberg, LR. & Freyd, J.J.

Passionate Love Scale (PLS) Form B

In this study, passionate love has been defined as "a state of intense longing for union with another." Perhaps at no other time is passionate love experienced more intensely than during adolescence. Researchers who are conducting research into Passionate Love often need two identical sets of tests of Passionate Love: One for pre-test and one for post-test. The Passionate Love Scale (PLS) Form B is an alternative form, with slightly different but equivalent questions.

Author of Tool: 
Hatfield, E. & Sprecher, S

Companionate Love Scale

Targeting an area of research that has long been dominated by Western scientists, Elaine Hatfield and Richard L. Rapson tell a new and updated story of love and sex in the modern world. With the advent of technology that is progressively shrinking our global community, the authors aim to assess how intimate relationships are carried out in a wide array of societies. The approach is multidisciplinary and cross-cultural, appealing to students of psychology, anthropology, sociology, history, literature, and art. A strong research base and an appealing narrative style characterise this ideal...

Author of Tool: 
Hatfield, E., Rapson, R.

HIV & Safer Sex: Self Efficacy Scale

Safer sex is first defined for participants as any combination of the following behavioral strategies:

A) Abstinence from vaginal and anal intercourse.

B) Condom Use with all vaginal and anal sexual partners.

C) Sexually exclusive relationship with only one partner in the past year who has tested negative for HIV antibodies.

Participants are then instructed to rate their level of confidence in having safer sex and temptation to have unprotected sex on a five-point Likert...

Author of Tool: 
Redding, C. & Rossi, J

Considerations of Future Consequences (CFC Scale)

Given their intertemporal nature, one factor that predicts health behaviors is an individual’s CFC (i.e., the extent to which people consider the potential distant outcomes of their current behaviors and are influenced by those potential outcomes; Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger, & Edwards, 1994). The Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFC) is a 12- item scale using 5- point ratings. (1 = extremely uncharacteristic to 5 = extremely characteristic). An example of an item is "I consider how things might be in the future, and try to influence those things with my...

Author of Tool: 
Strathman, A., Gleicher, F., Boninger, D. S., & Edwards, C. S

Two Factor Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFC-14)

The consideration of future consequences scale was developed by Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger & Edwards (1994). The original items on the scale are items 1-12. Most research using the CFC scale has treated it as a uni-dimensional construct. Internal reliability for the overall, 12-item scale is high (typically ranging from .80 to .85) with a five-week temporal stability of .72 (Strathman et al., 1994) (for a recent review of the CFC literature, see Joireman, Strathman, & Balliet, 2006). While the internal reliability of the overall scale is quite high, recent research suggests the...

Author of Tool: 
Jeff Joireman, Monte J. Shaffer, Daniel Balliet and Alan Strathman
