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Sexual Attitudes and Behavior of Unmarried Latino Females

The potential predictors of the Sexual Attitudes and Behavior of Latino Females scale include homophobia, self-efficacy to use condoms, sexual comfort, sexual coercion, and traditional gender role beliefs. The questionnaires for unmarried Latino women and men were used in a random digit dial telephone survey of 1500 Latinos in ten states in the U.S. These states contain 90% of all Latinos living in the continental U.S.

Author of Tool: 
Centre for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)

CAPS National Sexual Health Survey (NSHS)

The National Sexual Health Survey (NSHS) is national telephone survey of adults 18 years and older residing in the 48 contiguous states. Measures were developed to assess a wide range of HIV-related and human sexuality topics including, but not limited to, the following: condom attitudes, condom slips and breaks, HIV-related caregiving, HIV testing and home testing use, STD histories, perceived risk for HIV and other STDs and optimistic bias assessments, extramarital sex, sexual development, sexual abuse and rape, and sexual dysfunctions. The survey also employed various psychological...

Author of Tool: 
Centre for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)

Sexual Behavior for Students at Public Middle Schools Questionnaire

The questionnaire included a large number of questions about sexuality, including questions on the following topics: existence of a boyfriend/girlfriend and age difference of that boy/girlfriend, knowledge about sexual topics, self-efficacy to avoid various sexual behaviors, norms about various sexual behaviors, perceptions of peer behaviors, opportunity to have sex, pressures to have sex, pre-coital sexual behaviors, various measures of sexual behavior, attempts to pressure someone else to have sex, and reasons to have and not to have sex.

Author of Tool: 
Centre for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)

Risk Behavior for Gay Men: EXPLORE Project

Three questionnaires under the title of 'Risk Behavior for Gay Men' were used in Explore; a nationwide HIV prevention behavioral trial involving nearly 4,300 men who have sex with men. Explore was one of the largest behavioral studies of its kind, and included participants recruited from six cities: Boston, Chicago, Denver, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. The study’s purpose was to examine whether an intensified program of counseling helps to prevent men who have sex with men from getting HIV. The

Author of Tool: 
Centre for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)

Modified Schedule of Sexist Events (SSE-LM)

The Modified Version of Sexual Events (SSE-LM) is a modified version of the Schedule of Sexual Events-Lifetime (SSE, Klonoff & Landrine, 1995 ), which additionally applies to women's HIV risk behaviours.

Author of Tool: 
Centre for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)

HIV & Safer Sex: Self Efficacy Scale

Safer sex is first defined for participants as any combination of the following behavioral strategies:

A) Abstinence from vaginal and anal intercourse.

B) Condom Use with all vaginal and anal sexual partners.

C) Sexually exclusive relationship with only one partner in the past year who has tested negative for HIV antibodies.

Participants are then instructed to rate their level of confidence in having safer sex and temptation to have unprotected sex on a five-point Likert...

Author of Tool: 
Redding, C. & Rossi, J

Considerations of Future Consequences (CFC Scale)

Given their intertemporal nature, one factor that predicts health behaviors is an individual’s CFC (i.e., the extent to which people consider the potential distant outcomes of their current behaviors and are influenced by those potential outcomes; Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger, & Edwards, 1994). The Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFC) is a 12- item scale using 5- point ratings. (1 = extremely uncharacteristic to 5 = extremely characteristic). An example of an item is "I consider how things might be in the future, and try to influence those things with my...

Author of Tool: 
Strathman, A., Gleicher, F., Boninger, D. S., & Edwards, C. S

Two Factor Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFC-14)

The consideration of future consequences scale was developed by Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger & Edwards (1994). The original items on the scale are items 1-12. Most research using the CFC scale has treated it as a uni-dimensional construct. Internal reliability for the overall, 12-item scale is high (typically ranging from .80 to .85) with a five-week temporal stability of .72 (Strathman et al., 1994) (for a recent review of the CFC literature, see Joireman, Strathman, & Balliet, 2006). While the internal reliability of the overall scale is quite high, recent research suggests the...

Author of Tool: 
Jeff Joireman, Monte J. Shaffer, Daniel Balliet and Alan Strathman

Fear of Physician (FOP)

Many people are fearful and/or anxious about communicating with their physician. It is believed that this fear/anxiety is in some part a function of the way the physician communicates with the patient. This Fear of Physician (FOP) instrument was developed to measure that feeling. The FOP is an extension of the 5-item state anxiety measure developed by Spielberger (1966).

Author of Tool: 
Richmond, V. P., Smith, R. S., Heisel, A. M., & McCroskey, J. C.

Richmond Humour Assessment Instrument (RHAI)

The Richmond Humor Assessment Instrument (RHAI) is a 16-item self-report measure that uses a 5-point Likert format. The instrument was developed by Richmond (1999) to measure an individual's predisposition to reenact humour messages during an interaction. Researchers believe that teaching people to be humerous can help with stress and family problems, make them more popular, and they will have improved self-concepts.

Author of Tool: 
Richmond, V. P.
