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An Adjective Measure of Sexual Strategies
Reasons for Having Sex Questionnaire (YSEX)
Regulatory Fit Induction (RFI) Instrument
The preposition is that the fit between an action's strategic orientation and the actor's regulatory state can influence the amount of enjoyment the action provides. Regulatory fit can be manipulated both incidentally and integrally. Incidental regulatory fit involves activating fit separately from the context of the task of interest. Integral regulatory fit involves activating fit within the context of the task of interest; there are many ways to induce integral fit (see for example Cesario, Higgins, & Scholer, 2007). Regulatory fit, whether manipulated incidentally or integrally, can...
Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale (Revised)
Marital Offense –Specific Forgiveness Scale
The exponential growth of research on forgiveness reflects, in part, its presumed beneficial effects on relationship well-being, an idea reinforced by the fact that spouses themselves rate the seeking and granting of forgiveness as important for marital longevity and marital satisfaction (Fenell, 1993). Available research is consistent with this view in that forgiving the spouse enhances relationship intimacy and commitment, promotes effective conflict resolution,and has a positive influence on marital quality over time (Fincham& Beach, 2007; Fincham, Beach, & Davila, 2007; Paleari...
Relationship Attribution Measure (RAM)
Distressed spouses are hypothesised to make attributions for negative events that accentuate their impact whereas non-distressed spouses are thought to make attributions that minimise the impact of negative events. The Relationship Attribution Measure (RAM) is a simple measure of difference types of attribution behaviour in spousal relationships.
Positive and Negative Quality in Marriage Scale (PANQIMS)
Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale (CPIC)
Guided by Grych and Fincham's theoretical framework for investigating the relation between interparental conflict and child adjustment, The Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale (CPIC) was developed to assess children's views of several aspects of marital conflict.