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Measuring Urban Design Qualities—An Illustrated Field Manual
Urban design qualities depend on physical features but are distinct from them. They reflect the general way in which people perceive and interact with the environment. The urban design qualities operationalized in this manual are:
• imageability
• enclosure
• human scale
• transparency
• complexity
The Attitudes Toward Dating Violence Scales (English Version)
The attitudes toward dating violence scales assess adolescent's attitudes toward male and female use of psychological, physical, and sexual dating violence.
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT)
Prior to this, Autism was generally not detected before 3 years of age. As early intervention is vital, this instrument was designed to make detection possible from 18 months. The Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) is administered by a health professional, both by asking the parent questions and directly observing and interacting with the child.
ALPHA Measure of Environmental Perceptions
Sjostrom and colleagues (2006) found that about two thirds of adults in the European Union do not get engage in enough physical activity to access the associated health benefits. Findings such as this have prompted researchers to investigate the environmental determinants of physical activity. Instruments have been developed to assess the suitability of environments worldwide for physical activity. The ALPHA Measure of Environmental Perceptions is designed for use in European settings. It is composed of 49 items centered around 9 themes: types of residences in your neighbourhood, ...
Children's Perceptions of Others' Depression Scale- Mother Version (CPOD-MV)
Research has shown that depression in mothers can have an adverse effect on the psychological functioning and development of their children (Goodman, 2007). The Children's Perception of Other's Depression Scale- Mother Version (CPOD-MV) is a 21 item measure that examines children's perceptions of the chronicity, severity, and impairment of their mother's depression. It also assesses whether they feel they are responsible for their mother's depression and whether they feel able to deal with their mother's depression.
Scores on the CPOD-MV have been found to be significantly...
Internalized Homonegativity Inventory (IHNI)
Mayfield (2011) describes how gay men and lesbians may develop negative attitudes towards homosexuality as a result of growing up in an antigay and heterosexist society. Internalized homonegativity may negatively impact on the personality, emotions, and behaviour of homosexuals. Many of the instruments designed to measure internalized homonegativity had important validity flaws. Thus, the IHNI was developed as a valid and reliable measure of negative attitudes towards homosexuality among gay men. The instrument consists of three subscales, personal homonegativity, gay affirmation, and...
Respect Toward Partner Scale
Researchers have proposed that respect for one another is one of the essential characteristics of an intimate relationship or a marriage. Hendrick & Hendrick (2006) conceptualize respect as an attitude accompanied by emotions, thoughts, and behavior. They also propose that respect consists of equality/mutuality and caring/supportiveness. The Respect Toward Partner Scale consists of six items, each rated on a five-point likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree, that seek to examine components of respect such as curiosity, healing, and dialogue.
Perceptions of Love and Sex Scale
Love and sex have most commonly been discussed and studied separately. Given the evolutionary links between these two variables, Hendrick and Hendrick (2002) highlight the need to investigate common perceptions of the relationship between love and sex. The Perceptions of Love and Sex Scale was thus designed to assess laypersons' conceptions of how love and sex are linked in their relationships. The scale consists of four subscales, Love is Most Important, Sex Demonstrates Love, Love Comes Before Sex, and Sex is Declining, and 27 items, each rated on a five-point likert scale that ranged...
Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS)
Relationship satisfaction is one of the key areas of relationship assessment. While instruments are available for assessing relationships, many are long and time consuming and some are only suitable for use with married couples. The Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS) is a brief measure of global relationship satisfaction. It consists of seven items, each rated on a five-point likert scale. It is suitable for use with any individuals who are in an intimate relationship, such as married couples, cohabiting couples, engaged couples, or dating couples. The brevity of the scale increases its...
Love Attitudes Scale: Short Form
It has been proposed that while some aspects of love are the same in all cases that the experience of love may be quite different for different individuals. Lee (1973) proposed that many different love styles exist. These include Eros, or romantic passionate love, Ludus, game-playing love, Storge, friendship love, Mania, possessive and dependent love, Pragma, logical love, and Agape, or selfless love. The Love Attitudes Scale- Short Form was designed as a measure of love-styles and is based on Lee's (1976) love typology. The scale is composed of six 7-item subscales: Eros, Ludus, Storge...