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Delinquent Activities Scale (DAS)
The DAS, based in part on the Self-Reported Delinquency Scale (SRD) (Elliott, Ageton, Huizanga, Knowles, & Canter, 1983), is designed to assess specific delinquent offenses and the contribution of alcohol and marijuana to these occurrences. It is composed of 40 items which describe a variety of misbehaviors and ask the respondent to indicate whether they have ever engaged in the behavior, their age the first and last time they engaged in the behavior, if they have ever engaged in the behavior without drugs or alcohol being involved, how many times the behavior has occurred, and how...
Perceived Parental Acculturation Behaviors Scale (PPABS)
The Perceived Parental Acculturation Behaviors Scale (PPABS) assesses how the parents of the Arab-American respondents have adapted to, and embraced, American culture and society. It is comprised of 20 items, scored using a five point likert scale that ranges from never to always, that assess parents' openness to the American culture and their attempts to preserve their native Arab culture. The items focus primarily on overt behaviors rather than asking respondents about their parents' underlying attitudes. Perceived parental openness is assessed by examining the extent to which parents...
Children's Perceptions of Others' Depression Scale- Mother Version (CPOD-MV)
Research has shown that depression in mothers can have an adverse effect on the psychological functioning and development of their children (Goodman, 2007). The Children's Perception of Other's Depression Scale- Mother Version (CPOD-MV) is a 21 item measure that examines children's perceptions of the chronicity, severity, and impairment of their mother's depression. It also assesses whether they feel they are responsible for their mother's depression and whether they feel able to deal with their mother's depression.
Scores on the CPOD-MV have been found to be significantly...
Respect Toward Partner Scale
Researchers have proposed that respect for one another is one of the essential characteristics of an intimate relationship or a marriage. Hendrick & Hendrick (2006) conceptualize respect as an attitude accompanied by emotions, thoughts, and behavior. They also propose that respect consists of equality/mutuality and caring/supportiveness. The Respect Toward Partner Scale consists of six items, each rated on a five-point likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree, that seek to examine components of respect such as curiosity, healing, and dialogue.
Perceptions of Love and Sex Scale
Love and sex have most commonly been discussed and studied separately. Given the evolutionary links between these two variables, Hendrick and Hendrick (2002) highlight the need to investigate common perceptions of the relationship between love and sex. The Perceptions of Love and Sex Scale was thus designed to assess laypersons' conceptions of how love and sex are linked in their relationships. The scale consists of four subscales, Love is Most Important, Sex Demonstrates Love, Love Comes Before Sex, and Sex is Declining, and 27 items, each rated on a five-point likert scale that ranged...
OCD Family Functioning (OFF) Scale
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) often has a great impact on family functioning. Parents, and other family members, often become involved in the individual's ritualistic behaviours and family accomodation, either through enabling avoidance or assisting ritualistic behaviours, is very common. The OCD Family Functioning (OFF) Scale is a 42 item self-report questionnaire that consists of three major subscales: family functioning impairment, symptom-specific impairment, and family role-specific impairment. It is designed for use with families of adults and children with OCD. Two versions of...
Postraumatic Stress Screen for the Cognitively Impaired (PTSS-CI)
Posttraumatic stress symptoms can affect an individual's well-being, functioning, and quality of life. Such effects may be exacerbated for individuals who are cognitively impaired and lack the resources to deal with such symptoms or the ability to communicate with, or seek help from, others. The Posttraumatic Stress Screen for the Cognitively Impaired (PTSS-CI) identified symtpoms of posttraumatic stress and is suitable for use with individuals who are elderly and cognitively impaired, brain injured, or developmentally disabled. Both self-report and observer versions are available. Each...
The Screen for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (SPTSS)
The Screen for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (SPTSS) is a brief screen, not based on a single-reported trauma model, that may aid researchers and clinicians in identifying persons who have high levels of posttraumatic stress symptoms. Items for the SPTSS are designed to closely match the DSM-IV criteria for PTSD except that symptoms are not linked to a particular stressor. Items are written in simple, colloquial language making the instrument suitable for use with a wide variety of populations. Caspi et al. (2007) highlight several advantages of the SPTSS including its not linking the...
General 5-spectrum measure (GSM-V)
In recent years there has been an increasing focus on the clinical significance of subthreshold conditions and their impact on disability and health care utilization. Linking these conditions to a diagnostic threshold, which typically varies according to the classification system adopted has serious limitations for both clinical and epidemiological investigation of these phenomena. Furthermore, there are symptoms of potential clinical significance that are not mentioned in the diagnostic criteria set and therefore are often ignored. We argued that such symptoms, traits, and behaviors may...
Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT)
The original version of the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) was designed by Dr. Steven L. Wolf, Emory University School of Medicine (Wolf, Lecraw, Barton & Jann, 1989). It has since been modified by researchers Taub, Blanton, & McCullough from the UAS CI Therapy Research Group. The modified version of the test has also been employed extensively with chronic patients who had suffered mild to moderate stroke (Taub, Miller, Novack, Cook, Fleming, Nepomuceno, Connell, & Crago, 1993; Taub, Crago, & Uswatte, 1998).