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Pregnancy Experience Scale (long and brief versions)
A mother's emotional state during pregnancy has been found to affect child development. Negative emotions have been associated with a variety of undesirable outcomes such as reduced fetal heart rate variability, greater motor activity, disturbances to fetal habituation, spontaneous abortions, shortened length of gestation, pregnancy complications, pre-term delivery, low birth weight, and poorer cognitive and behavioural functioning later in life. Thus, it is important to consider and measure the stressors (both positive and negative) that women experience during pregnancy. The Pregnancy...
Collaborative Parent Involvement Scale
Type 1 diabetes is a common, and chronic, pediatric disease. As onset typically occurs during late childhood or early adolescence, parents must play a significant role in managing the diabetes, and the associated diabetes regimen, while children begin to assume greater responsibility for the management of their diabetes as they get older. Declines in adherence to diabetes management are associated with the transition between parent-management and child-management. Continued parental involvement, in a supportive, constructive manner, can reduce the likelihood of diabetes mismanagement. The...
Romantic Partner Conflict Scale (RPCS)
It has been proposed that when relating to other individuals, conflict is inevitable. There are measures available for investigating conflict in relationships however Zacchilli and colleagues (2009) note several limitations of these instruments including their focus on married couples, individuals in abusive relationships, specific aspects of conflict situations, and the questionnable psychometric properties of some of these instruments. The Romantic Partner Conflict Scale (RPCS) was designed to examine the process of "routine, normative episodes of romantic conflict" (Zacchilli, Hendrick...
Sexual Experiences Survey - Long Form Victimization (SES-LFV)
Mary P. Koss and the Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) Collaboration have designed an instrument capable of reflecting hidden cases of rape and of measuring aggressive or coercive sexual acts and victimization on a dimensional scale. The SES surveys examines degrees of coercion used or experienced in sexual activity. All versions of the revised SES measure behavior that meets legal definitions of various sex crimes, with the exception of acts accomplished by verbal coercion not involving threats of physical harm. The acts accomplished by coercion are certainly on the sexual assault spectrum...
Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ)
Research has suggested that individual differences in several aspects of eating style contribute to the development of weight problems in children and adults. The Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ) was designed to assess children's eating scale styles. It is a parent-report measure comprised of 35 items, each rated on a five-point likert scale that ranges from never to always. It is made up of eight scales: Food responsiveness, Emotional over-eating, Enjoyment of food, Desire to drink, Satiety responsiveness, Slowness in eating, Emotional under-eating, and Food fussiness. The...
The Food Acceptance and Awareness Questionnaire (FAAQ)
Research has suggested that mindfulness and acceptance are important factors in the development, maintenance, and treatment of obesity and eating disorders. However, few instruments are available that apply the constructs of acceptance and mindfulness to eating behaviour. The Food Acceptance and Awareness Questionnaire (FAAQ) was designed to fill this void. It is a self-report instrument that is comprised of 10 items, each rated on a seven-point likert rating scale that ranges from never true to always true. It consists of two scales: Ability to regulate eating despite urges and cravings,...
The Coparenting Relationship Scale (CRS)
The Coparenting Relationship Scale (CRS) is based on the conceptual framework of coparenting developed by Feinberg (2003). This framework included four overlapping domains: childrearing agreement, coparental support/undermining, division of labor, and joint management of family dynamics. Feinberg (2003) proposed that coparenting plays a central role in family life and provides essential support and security for parents and children. Research has also found that a relationship exists between coparenting relations and parenting quality. The CRS was designed as a comprehensive self-report...
Childhood obesity has become a worldwide epidemic. The American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendations for the assessment, treatment, and prevention of childhood obesity highlight the importance of encouraging children to eat the recommended servings of fruit and vegetables. However, this can be a difficult task and factors such as socioeconomic status, preference, parental intake, nutritional knowledge, self-efficacy, and shared family meals have been found to influence a child's consumption of fruit and vegetables. The WillTry was designed to measure self-reported willingness to try...
Sexual Experiences Survey - Short Form Perpetration (SES-SFP)
All versions of the revised Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) measure behaviour that meets legal definitions of various sex crimes, with the exception of acts accomplished by verbal coercion not involving threats of physical harm. The acts accomplished by coercion are certainly on the sexual assault spectrum and they are of interest in many fields and settings, but it is important to clearly understand that they are not crimes. Feminist legal scholars argue that these acts should be forms of attempted rape and rape and recommend changing statutory definitions of rape as a goal for advocate...
Sexual Experiences Survey - Short Form Victimization (SES-SFV)
All versions of the revised Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) measure behavior that meets legal definitions of various sex crimes, with the exception of acts accomplished by verbal coercion not involving threats of physical harm. The acts accomplished by coercion are certainly on the sexual assault spectrum and they are of interest in many fields and settings, but it is important to clearly understand that they are not crimes. Feminist legal scholars argue that these acts should be forms of attempted rape and rape and recommend changing statutory definitions of rape as a goal for advocate...