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US Determinants of Exercise in Women Phone Survey

Despite the well-established benefits of physical exercise, many adult females do not obtain the recommended amounts. Obstacles to physical activity occur at multiple levels, including at the individual, interpersonal, and environmental levels. This survey represents a measure of assessing the self-reported physical activity levels of women from diverse ethnic backgrounds and some of their correlates.

Author of Tool: 
Evenson, K. R., Eyler, A. A., Wilcox, S., Thompson, J. L., & Burke,, J. E.

The Panic Attack Questionnaire

The PAQ is a comprehensive tool that aims to for assess various aspects of panic phenomenology. It begins by providing respondents with a definition of panic attacks (according to DSM-III) to create a common understanding of the construct. From there, participants construct their self-assessment. It collects information about participant's frequency of panic attacks and the context in which they arose, as well as intensity of pain symptoms. The final section of the questionnaire consists of open-ended questions about medication use, stress, and treatment received for other illnesses or...

Author of Tool: 
Norton, G. R., Harrison, B., Hauch, J., & Rhodes, L.

Brief Body Sensations Interpretations Questionnaire (BBSIQ)

Author of Tool: 
Clark, D. M., Salkovskis, P. M., Ost, L. G., Breitholtz, E., Koehler, K. A., Westling, B. E, . & Gelder, M.

The Global Measure of Equity Scale

According to Equity theory, people perceive a relationship as equitable when they and their partners are getting what they both “deserve” from their romantic and marital relationships. In theory, couples feel most comfortable when their romantic and sexual relationships are maximally profitable, and (considering what they and their partners contribute to their relationship) they are reaping all the rewards they deserve—no more and certainly no less (See Hatfield, Walster, & Berscheid, 1978). Equity has been found to relate to many aspects of relationships and appears to be important...

Author of Tool: 
Traupmann, Peterson, Utne, & Hatfield

Risks and Consequences Questionnaire (RCQ)

The Risks and Consequences Questionnaire (RCQ is an index of problems that can be consequent of alcohol and marijuana use in adolescent delinquents. The RCQ has been validated with a racially and ethnically diverse sample of youths (Stein et al., 2010). The RCQ may complement structured interviews for collecting information about the psychological repercussions associated with alcohol and marijuana use. This measure may help researchers and clinicians in making substance abuse diagnoses for incarcerated juvenile delinquents, and may well be used also as an intervention outcome measure

Author of Tool: 
Stein, L.A.R., Lebeau, Rebecca, Clair, Mary, Rossi, Joseph S., Martin, Rose Marie, & Golembeske, Charles

Fruit, Juice and Vegetable Availability Questionnaire (FJV-Q)

There is a paucity of empirical evidence regarding whether parents can precisely remember and report the foods in their kitchen. Marsh, Cullen, and Baranowski (2003) conducted interviews in the residences of parents with 4th to 6th grade children. Parents were questioned about whether certain fruit, juices, and fruits were present in their homes in the past week. The parents were next asked whether the study investigator could go into the kitchen and observe whether the foods were present at that time using a shelf inventory. The results demonstrated that there was good agreement between...

Author of Tool: 
Marsh, T., Karen Cullen, & Tom Baranowski

The Functional Behavior Profile (FBP)

The Functional Behavior Profile (FBP) comprises 27 items concerning performance of daily activities by the cognitively impaired individual. The items are sectioned into three areas: Task Performance, Problem Solving, and Social Interaction. Each item is rated from 0 (never) to 4 (always) according to the subject’s behavior over the past 7 days. The checklist may be completed by the therapist by interviewing the primary caregiver or by the caregiver independently. Administration of the test takes, on average, 15 minutes. The FBP yields three scores for the factors of Task Performance,...

Author of Tool: 
Carolyn Baum, Dorothy Edwards, Nancy Morrow-Howell

The Sexual Experiences Long Form Perpetration (SES-LFP)

The Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) was originally developed in the late 1970s (Koss & Oros, 1982) aiming to serve as a measure of prevalence, selection tool, predictor variable, and outcome measure in psychological, criminological, and health research settings.

Author of Tool: 
Mary P. Koss, Antonia Abbey, Rebecca Campbell, Sarah Cook, Jeanette Norris, Maria Testa, Sarah Ullman, Carolyn West, and Jacquelyn White

Participation Survey of Mobility Limited people (PARTS/M)

Items on the Participation Survey of Mobility Limited people (PARTS/M) were designed using interviews with 15 experts of mobility impairments. These interviews were complemented the input of 15 focus groups. The PARTS/M has been tested with mobility-impaired individuals across diagnoses, including; stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and spinal chord injury. PARTS/M may be a useful measure of some components of participation in major life activities for people with mobility limitations in the community setting.

Author of Tool: 
David B. Gray., Holly H. Hollingsworth, Susan L. Stark, & Kerri A. Morgan

Sexual Experiences Survey - Long Form Victimization (SES-LFV)

Mary P. Koss and the Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) Collaboration have designed an instrument capable of reflecting hidden cases of rape and of measuring aggressive or coercive sexual acts and victimization on a dimensional scale. The SES surveys examines degrees of coercion used or experienced in sexual activity. All versions of the revised SES measure behavior that meets legal definitions of various sex crimes, with the exception of acts accomplished by verbal coercion not involving threats of physical harm. The acts accomplished by coercion are certainly on the sexual assault spectrum...

Author of Tool: 
Koss, M.P. Abbey, A., Campbell, R., Cook, S., Norris, J., Testa, M., Ullman, S., West, C., & White, J
