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Situational Communication Apprehension Measure (SCAM)

The Situational Communication Apprehension Measure (SCAM) was developed to provide and instrument which could measure state CA in any context. This is a self-report instrument which can apply to how a person felt in any recent communication event (the closer in time between the event and completion of this instrument, the more valid the measure will be).

Author of Tool: 
Richmond, V. P.

behavioral avoidance/inhibition (BIS/BAS) scales

Several theorists have argued that two general motivational systems underlie behavior. A behavioral approach system (BAS) is believed to regulate appetitive motives, in which the goal is to move toward something desired. A behavioral avoidance (or inhibition) system (BIS) is said to regulate aversive motives, in which the goal is to move away from something unpleasant. We developed the BIS/BAS scales to assess individual differences in the sensitivity of these systems. The BIS/BAS scales are available for research and teaching applications.

Author of Tool: 
Carver, C. S., & White, T. L.

Quality of Life in Adult Cancer Survivors (QLACS)

Many measures of quality of life (QOL) have been developed for assessment of cancer patients. Most of these measures, however, were developed for use during the period of treatment following diagnosis. Because of increasing interest in the experiences of long-term cancer survivors, authors have developed a measure specifically for use with persons who are 5 or more years past their cancer diagnosis. The development of the Quality of Life in Adult Cancer Survivors (QLACS) began with in-depth interviews with 59 long-term survivors, followed by generation of an item pool that was further...

Author of Tool: 
Avis, N. E., Smith, K. W., McGraw, S., Smith, R. G., Petronis, V. M., & Carver, C. S.

Individual Assessment of Neighbourhood Walkability Scale

The fundamental premise of the Individual Assessment of Neighbourhood Walkability Scale is that some neighborhood designs enable or encourage social ties or community connections, whereas others do not. Theoretically, the neighborhood designs (or types) most likely to promote social capital are those that are mixed use and pedestrian oriented. Such neighborhoods (usually labeled “traditional” or “complete” neighborhoods) are typically found in older cities and older rural towns.The following popper user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control...

Author of Tool: 
Kevin Leyden

Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (CEI)

In an effort to expand research on curiosity, the authors elaborate on a theoretical model that informs research on the design of a new measure and the nomological network of curiosity. Curiosity was conceptualized as a positive emotional-motivational system associated with the recognition, pursuit, and self-regulation of novelty and challenge. The authors posit that curiosity is an important motivational component (but not the only one) that links cues reflecting novelty and challenge (internal or external) with growth opportunities. The Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (CEI)...

Author of Tool: 
Kashdan, T.B., Rose, P., & Fincham, F.D.

The Day Reconstruction Method (DRC)

The Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) assesses how people spend their time and how they experience the various activities and settings of their lives, combining features of time-budget measurement and experience sampling. Participants systematically reconstruct their activities and experiences of the preceding day with procedures designed to reduce recall biases. The benefits of the DRM as outlined by the authors are: joint assessment of activities and subjective experiences, information about the duration of each experience, allowing for duration weighted analyses of experiences, lower...

Author of Tool: 
Kahneman, D., Kreuger, A. B., & Schkade, D. A.

Derogation of Competitors Instrument

The purpose of the derogation of competitors instrument is to measure for the likelihood of persons to form derogation tactics for competitor. Verbal signals are sometimes used to manipulate the impressions that people form about oneself and others. For the goal of self-enhancement, one can manipulate impressions either by elevating oneself or derogating others. Five hypothesis about derogation of same sex competitors were generated from an evolutionary model of human-mate competition. These hypothesis focused on sex-differences in the importance that humans attach to external resources,...

Author of Tool: 
Buss, D.

Berkeley Expressivity Questionnaire

Emotions help us respond adaptively to environmental challenges and opportunities. Unlike other biologically based response tendencies, such as reflexes, however, emotions only incline us to act in certain ways; they do not compel us to do so. This means that we may deny expression to some emotional impulses while freely expressing others. Striking individual differences in ex-pressivity suggest that people differ in their response tendencies and in how they express these impulses as they arise. The Berkeley Expressivity Questionnaire assesses three different facets of emotional...

Author of Tool: 
Gross, J.J., & John, O.P.

Positive Event (uplift) Scale for Middle Aged Adults (frequency and severity)

In the 1980s, using the cognitive transactual model of stress, Lazarus and colleagues highlighted daily events (hassles) as better predictors of negative psychological and somatic outcomes than major life events (Kanner et al., 1981). Lazarus’s cognitive appraisal (transactual) theory suggests that individuals cognitively evaluate or appraise environmental events in relation to their own person-related characteristics, thereby determining the type and quality of the emotional response (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984; Lazarus, 1991, 1999). While day-to-day negative events, or hassles, have...

Author of Tool: 
Mayberry, D. J.

Positive Event (uplift) Scale for University Students

Up until the 1980’s, event measurement was characterised by important life events such as marriages, accidents and deaths (e.g., Holmes and Rahe, 1967). At that time, Lazarus and colleagues highlighted daily events (hassles) as better predictors of negative psychological and somatic outcomes than major life events (Kanner et al., 1981). Daily events are theoretically embedded within the cognitive transactual model of stress. This theory suggests that individual’s cognitively evaluate or appraise environmental events in relation to their own person-related characteristics, otherwise known...

Author of Tool: 
Mayberry, D. J.
