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The Community Balance and Mobility Scale (CB&MS)
Each year up to five hundred thousand new cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) are reported in the United States alone. Very often such injuries are accompanied by ambulatory disabilities which can only be overcome with specialized rehabilitation. Without good measurement tools it is impossible to draw accurate conclusions about the true effectiveness of such rehabilitation programs. Therefore, the Community Balance and Mobility Scale (CM&MS) was designed and verified to facilitate effective and systematic measurement of ambulatory skills in patients.
Emotional Cognitive Scale (ECS)
Piagetian and neo-Piagetian developmental psychologists believe that childhood is marked by a series of punctuated cognitive developments. This view requires that children of increasingly older age should be ever more capable of managing cognitively demanding tasks. Furthermore, this view requires that some degree of consistency exists in terms of the age at which specific cognitive abilities are developed. The Emotional Cognitive Scale (ECS) was developed to measure childrens grasp of their own emotions by asking them how they think they would feel in a number of given situations....
The Clinical Decision Making Survey (CDMS)
Nurses are forced to make difficult decisions when presented with patients who are experiencing pain. Ethical dilemmas can also arise around issues such over-medication, under-medication, and opioid side effects to name a few. It is important to gain an understanding of how nurses make these decisions so that more insight can be gained into the factors influencing those decision making processes.
Pain Audit Tools (PAT)
Quality palliative care is important in ensuring the wellbeing of those suffering with a terminal illness. One of the primary roles of a palliative care-giver is to be able to make accurate pain assessments. Without sufficient training nurses will struggle to meet the many tough demands they meet. The Pain Audit Tools (PAT) are therefore useful in maintaining a high standard of care and allowing improvements to be made where necessary. It serves as both an educational tool and a quality assessment tool.
Service to Others in Sobriety (SOS)
Giving, helping, volunteering, being of service, unselfishness, goodwill—whatever the term—human beings worldwide engage in generous, altruistic behavior toward others. Although such acts are, by definition, performed without expectation of external reward or reciprocation (Zemore & Pagano, 2009), they nonetheless provide specific benefits to the helper. A growing body of research shows evidence of the health benefits to helpers across the life span. Youths have been shown to enjoy lower levels of disciplinary problems (Calabrese & Schumer, 1986), better values, and educational...
Acceptance of Modern Myths About Sexual Aggression (AMMSA) scale
Although the construct was introduced during the era of second wave feminism, it was not until 1980 that Martha Burt published the first social scientific examination of rape myth acceptance.This scale design began with the standard definition that rape myths are ‘descriptive or prescriptive beliefs about rape … that serve to deny, downplay or justify sexual violence that men commit against women’ In rape myth methodology prior to the Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression (AMMSA), a minimum stipulation was that rape myths needed to be demonstrably false. Significantly however...
Temptations to Drink Instrument
This short form situational Temptations to Drink Scale was developed from an original 21-item inventory by Migneault.
College Alcohol Problems Scale - Revised (CAPS-r)
The College Alcohol Problems Scale - Revised (CAPS-r) was developed from the College Alcohol Problems Scale (CAPS). CAPS-r is a short reliable and valid measure of alcohol-related problems is needed to enable low-cost data collection on college campuses across the nation, as well as to facilitate program evaluation and routine epidemiological surveillance and monitoring.
Decisional Balance Scale: Exercise
Most people actually change their exercise habits on their own. When they are asked what brought about the change, they often say they just “I just thought about it and decided it was time.” In some way, they evaluated the consequences of their on again off again activity patterns and the pros and cons of becoming more active. The pros for activity out weighed the cons and they made the decision to change. Weighing the pros and cons of changing happens all the time. Examples include changing jobs or deciding to move or get married. You can do the same thing with the costs of...
CAPS condom use for Hispanic females
The survey instrument was based on more than 100 open- ended interview and 2 focus groups with Hispanics in San Francisco, held to identify Hispanic men’s perceptions of the consequences of condom use with primary and secondary sexual partners, difficulties with condom use, and normative aspects of condom use. The instrument was developed originally in Spanish and a back-translation procedure was used to assure that the English version was equivalent in meaning. Both the Spanish and English versions were pretested with at least 20 persons.
The final version of the interview required...