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CAPS National Sexual Health Survey (NSHS)
The National Sexual Health Survey (NSHS) is national telephone survey of adults 18 years and older residing in the 48 contiguous states. Measures were developed to assess a wide range of HIV-related and human sexuality topics including, but not limited to, the following: condom attitudes, condom slips and breaks, HIV-related caregiving, HIV testing and home testing use, STD histories, perceived risk for HIV and other STDs and optimistic bias assessments, extramarital sex, sexual development, sexual abuse and rape, and sexual dysfunctions. The survey also employed various psychological...
Self-Report Adherence to Medications Questionnaire
The questionnaire on self-reported adherence to medications provided preliminary findings on some of the variables that are associated with or ‘predict’ non-adherence. These variables are important because they suggest ways that individuals who may have difficulties with adherence could be identified. The intent of studies finding such “predictors” is not to characterize persons who might not be prescribed medication but rather, to identify persons who may need additional assistance and to provide information that could be used to maximize the effectiveness of the assistance.
Sexual Behavior for Students at Public Middle Schools Questionnaire
The questionnaire included a large number of questions about sexuality, including questions on the following topics: existence of a boyfriend/girlfriend and age difference of that boy/girlfriend, knowledge about sexual topics, self-efficacy to avoid various sexual behaviors, norms about various sexual behaviors, perceptions of peer behaviors, opportunity to have sex, pressures to have sex, pre-coital sexual behaviors, various measures of sexual behavior, attempts to pressure someone else to have sex, and reasons to have and not to have sex.
Risk Behavior for Gay Men: EXPLORE Project
Three questionnaires under the title of 'Risk Behavior for Gay Men' were used in Explore; a nationwide HIV prevention behavioral trial involving nearly 4,300 men who have sex with men. Explore was one of the largest behavioral studies of its kind, and included participants recruited from six cities: Boston, Chicago, Denver, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. The study’s purpose was to examine whether an intensified program of counseling helps to prevent men who have sex with men from getting HIV. The
CAPS Ways of Coping Scale
The Ways of Coping (Revised) is a 66-item questionnaire containing a wide range of thoughts and acts that people use to deal with the internal and/or external demands of specific stressful encounters. Usually the encounter is described by the subject in an interview or in a brief written description saying who was involved, where it took place and what happened. Sometimes a particular encounter, such as a medical treatment or an academic examination, is selected by the investigator as the focus of the questionnaire. Many investigators have asked if the Ways of Coping can be...
CAPS Coping Self-Efficacy Scale
The Coping Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) provides a measure of a person's perceived ability to cope effectively with life challenges, as well as a way to assess changes in CSE over time in intervention research.
SECope: Coping with HIV Treatment Side Effects
Side effects from HIV treatments impact quality of life (QOL) and adherence to care, and influence decisions about health care. The SECope: Coping with HIV Treatment Side Effects Scale deals with the issue of the lack of data on how people deal with and manage the adverse effects of medication. For example, how one copes with the undesirable effects of ART may be similar to how one deals with the symptoms of a chronic disease. There are fundamental differences, however, between coping with an ongoing disease and side effects from a treatment regimen. The individual taking medications,...
Adherence Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES)
Adherence to HIV treatment, including adherence to antiretroviral (ART) medication regimens, is paramount in the management of HIV. Self-efficacy for treatment adherence has been identified as an important correlate of medication adherence in the treatment of HIV and other medical conditions. The Adherence Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES), which was designed to measure self-efficacy for adherence to HIV treatment plans, including but not limited to taking HIV medications. For the purposes of this scale, treatment plans can include anything the individual does to take care of hi/her HIV disease,...
Modified Schedule of Sexist Events (SSE-LM)
The Modified Version of Sexual Events (SSE-LM) is a modified version of the Schedule of Sexual Events-Lifetime (SSE, Klonoff & Landrine, 1995 ), which additionally applies to women's HIV risk behaviours.
Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)
Potentially stressful life events are thought to increase risk for disease when one perceives that the demands these events impose tax or exceed a person’s adaptive capacity (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). In turn, the perception of stress may influence the pathogenesis of physical disease by causing negative affective states (e.g., feelings of anxiety and depression), which then exert direct effects on physiological processes or behavioral patterns that influence disease risk (Cohen, Janicki-Deverts, & Miller, 2007). The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) measures psychological...