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Sexual Experiences Survey - Short Form Perpetration (SES-SFP)

All versions of the revised Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) measure behaviour that meets legal definitions of various sex crimes, with the exception of acts accomplished by verbal coercion not involving threats of physical harm. The acts accomplished by coercion are certainly on the sexual assault spectrum and they are of interest in many fields and settings, but it is important to clearly understand that they are not crimes. Feminist legal scholars argue that these acts should be forms of attempted rape and rape and recommend changing statutory definitions of rape as a goal for advocate...

Author of Tool: 
Koss, M.P. and the SES Collaboration

Sexual Experiences Survey - Short Form Victimization (SES-SFV)

All versions of the revised Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) measure behavior that meets legal definitions of various sex crimes, with the exception of acts accomplished by verbal coercion not involving threats of physical harm. The acts accomplished by coercion are certainly on the sexual assault spectrum and they are of interest in many fields and settings, but it is important to clearly understand that they are not crimes. Feminist legal scholars argue that these acts should be forms of attempted rape and rape and recommend changing statutory definitions of rape as a goal for advocate...

Author of Tool: 
Koss, M.P. and the SES Collaboration (including Antonia Abbey, Rebecca Campbell, Sarah Cook, Jeanette Norris, Maria Testa, Sarah Ullman, Carolyn West, and Jacquelyn White)

Studies to Treat Or Prevent Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes - Fruit, Juice, & Vegetable Self-Efficacy (STOPP-T2D BCM-FJV SE)

A burgeoning concern among health care researchers and interventionists is the surge in incidence of type 2 diabetes in youth both in the US and overseas. "Knowing the consequences of type 2 diabetes in adults for micro- and macro-vascular disease progression, and knowing the impact of adequate treatment and management on those consequences, medical science seeks to broaden the scope of research to include this neglected and increasing population of patients.
HEALTHY was conducted in 42 middle schools at 7 field centers. Schools were randomized to either the intervention or control....

Author of Tool: 
Baranowski T, Cooper DM, Harrell J, Hirst K (Principal Investigator), Kaufman FR, Goran M, Resnicow K

The Child Psychosocial Distress Screener (CPDS)

The negative psychological outcomes in children exposed to armed conflict are well documented. In particular, lower income countries have difficulty meeting the mental health needs of their children. To highlight the need for interventions in these countries Jordans, Komproe, Ventevogel, Tol, & de Jong (2008) developed and validated the Child Psychosocial Distress Screener (CPDS). This scale is unique in its brevity and its flexibility; three of the items must be supplemented with probes which relate specifically to the child’s own experiences. These 'probes' are obtained through...

Author of Tool: 
Jordans, M. J., Komproe, I. H., Ventevogel, P., Tol, W. A., de Jong, J. T.

Caregiver Burden Scale

This caregiver burden scale was developed to assess perceived burden among caregivers of family members with dementia. While everyone who is a caregiver will assist with tasks for their family member with dementia, our previous research found that burden was more than just the number or type of tasks for which the patient required assistance. By obtaining a measure of the caregivers' perceived burden associated with each of 15 possible tasks, we were able to narrow down the source of stress in a way that could lead to effective interventions.

Author of Tool: 
Macera, Eaker, Jannarone, Davis, Stoskopf

Youth Quality of Life Instrument - Short Form (YQOL-SF)

The Youth Quality of Life Instrument - Short Form (YQOL-SF) measures generic quality of life in youth ages 11-18 years with and without chronic conditions and disabilities. The short form includes 15 perceptual items measuring the domains of sense of self, social relationships, environment, and general quality of life, developed with Rasch methodology (publication forthcoming).

Author of Tool: 
Patrick DL, Edwards TC

Service to Others in Sobriety (SOS)

Giving, helping, volunteering, being of service, unselfishness, goodwill—whatever the term—human beings worldwide engage in generous, altruistic behavior toward others. Although such acts are, by definition, performed without expectation of external reward or reciprocation (Zemore & Pagano, 2009), they nonetheless provide specific benefits to the helper. A growing body of research shows evidence of the health benefits to helpers across the life span. Youths have been shown to enjoy lower levels of disciplinary problems (Calabrese & Schumer, 1986), better values, and educational...

Author of Tool: 
Maria E. Pagano, Amy R. Krentzman, Casey C. Onder, Justina L. Baryak, Jennifer L. Murphy, William H. Zywiak, Robert L. Stout

The Symbolic Racism 2000 Scale

The Symbolic Racism 2000 Scale is a modern measure of symbolic racism, described as a coherent belief system combining the following ideas: that racial discrimination is no longer a serious obstacle to blacks' prospects for a good life; that blacks' continuing disadvantages are due totheir own unwillingness to take responsibility for their lives; and that, as a result, blacks' continuing anger about their own treatment, their demands for better treatment, and the various kinds of special attention given to them are not truly justified (see Sears, van Laar, Carrillo, & Kosterman, 1997...

Author of Tool: 
Henry, P.

Acceptance of Modern Myths About Sexual Aggression (AMMSA) scale

Although the construct was introduced during the era of second wave feminism, it was not until 1980 that Martha Burt published the first social scientific examination of rape myth acceptance.This scale design began with the standard definition that rape myths are ‘descriptive or prescriptive beliefs about rape … that serve to deny, downplay or justify sexual violence that men commit against women’ In rape myth methodology prior to the Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression (AMMSA), a minimum stipulation was that rape myths needed to be demonstrably false. Significantly however...

Author of Tool: 
Gerger, H., Kley, H., Bohner G., Siebler, F.

Temptations to Drink Instrument

This short form situational Temptations to Drink Scale was developed from an original 21-item inventory by Migneault.

Author of Tool: 
Maddock, Jay.
