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Romantic Partner Conflict Scale (RPCS)

It has been proposed that when relating to other individuals, conflict is inevitable. There are measures available for investigating conflict in relationships however Zacchilli and colleagues (2009) note several limitations of these instruments including their focus on married couples, individuals in abusive relationships, specific aspects of conflict situations, and the questionnable psychometric properties of some of these instruments. The Romantic Partner Conflict Scale (RPCS) was designed to examine the process of "routine, normative episodes of romantic conflict" (Zacchilli, Hendrick...

Author of Tool: 
Zacchilli, Hendrick, & Hendrick

Metereopathy Questionnaire (METEO-Q)

The term meteoropathy derives from the Greek ‘meteora’ (things high in the air or celestial phenomena) and ‘pathos’ (illness, suffering, pain), and it is used to indicate every pathological dimension in some way related to weather conditions. This concept is referred to a set of temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and brightness. Meteoropathy can be considered a syndrome: in fact, it is represented by a group of symptoms and pathological reactions that manifest when there is a gradual or sudden change in one or more meteorological factors in a given area.

Scientists claimed...

Author of Tool: 
Marianna Mazza, Marco Di Nicola, Luigi Janiri

Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ)

Research has suggested that individual differences in several aspects of eating style contribute to the development of weight problems in children and adults. The Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ) was designed to assess children's eating scale styles. It is a parent-report measure comprised of 35 items, each rated on a five-point likert scale that ranges from never to always. It is made up of eight scales: Food responsiveness, Emotional over-eating, Enjoyment of food, Desire to drink, Satiety responsiveness, Slowness in eating, Emotional under-eating, and Food fussiness. The...

Author of Tool: 
Wardle, Guthrie, Sanderson, & Rapoport

The Food Acceptance and Awareness Questionnaire (FAAQ)

Research has suggested that mindfulness and acceptance are important factors in the development, maintenance, and treatment of obesity and eating disorders. However, few instruments are available that apply the constructs of acceptance and mindfulness to eating behaviour. The Food Acceptance and Awareness Questionnaire (FAAQ) was designed to fill this void. It is a self-report instrument that is comprised of 10 items, each rated on a seven-point likert rating scale that ranges from never true to always true. It consists of two scales: Ability to regulate eating despite urges and cravings,...

Author of Tool: 
Juarascio, Forman, Timko, Butryn, M., & Goodwin

The Coparenting Relationship Scale (CRS)

The Coparenting Relationship Scale (CRS) is based on the conceptual framework of coparenting developed by Feinberg (2003). This framework included four overlapping domains: childrearing agreement, coparental support/undermining, division of labor, and joint management of family dynamics. Feinberg (2003) proposed that coparenting plays a central role in family life and provides essential support and security for parents and children. Research has also found that a relationship exists between coparenting relations and parenting quality. The CRS was designed as a comprehensive self-report...

Author of Tool: 
Feinberg, Brown, & Kan


Childhood obesity has become a worldwide epidemic. The American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendations for the assessment, treatment, and prevention of childhood obesity highlight the importance of encouraging children to eat the recommended servings of fruit and vegetables. However, this can be a difficult task and factors such as socioeconomic status, preference, parental intake, nutritional knowledge, self-efficacy, and shared family meals have been found to influence a child's consumption of fruit and vegetables. The WillTry was designed to measure self-reported willingness to try...

Author of Tool: 
Thomson, McCabe-Sellers, Strickland, Lovera, Nuss, Yadrick, Duke, and Bogle

Girl's health Enrichment Multi-site Studies (GEMS)

The Girls health Enrichment Multi-site Studies (GEMS) was an obesity prevention research initiative supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), with a target population of young African-American girls.

"Interventions included a 24-month period and core follow-up evaluations performed at baseline, and at 12 and 24 months following randomization. Body-mass index (BMI) was the primary endpoint in all four studies. Secondary outcomes include anthropometric measures (e.g., waist circumference), measures of physical activity (recalled and recorded directly), diet...

Author of Tool: 
Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Cullen KW, Thompson DI, Nicklas T, Zakeri I, Rochon J.

Studies to Treat Or Prevent Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes - Fruit, Juice, & Vegetable Self-Efficacy (STOPP-T2D BCM-FJV SE)

A burgeoning concern among health care researchers and interventionists is the surge in incidence of type 2 diabetes in youth both in the US and overseas. "Knowing the consequences of type 2 diabetes in adults for micro- and macro-vascular disease progression, and knowing the impact of adequate treatment and management on those consequences, medical science seeks to broaden the scope of research to include this neglected and increasing population of patients.
HEALTHY was conducted in 42 middle schools at 7 field centers. Schools were randomized to either the intervention or control....

Author of Tool: 
Baranowski T, Cooper DM, Harrell J, Hirst K (Principal Investigator), Kaufman FR, Goran M, Resnicow K

Five A Day Achievement Badge, and Fit for Life Achievement Badge for Boy Scouts of America (11-14 year olds): Measures

The 5 A Day and Fit for Life Boy Scout badge project is sponsored by the American Cancer Society.

Author of Tool: 
Baranowski et al.

Squire's Quest! Measures

Fruit, juice, and vegetable (FJV) consumption among elementary level children is worryingly low. Initiatives are warranted to enable children to increase FJV intake. Individually-oriented psycho-educational multimedia assists the delivery of interventions and utilizes known behavior change principles. Baranowksi and colleagues have developed measures to address and measure behaviour and attitudinal constructs related to FVJ behavior change.

Author of Tool: 
Baranowski et al.
