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Negative Event (hassle) Scale for Middle Aged Adults (frequency and severity)

Maybery and colleagues initially highlighted face and content validity problems with hassle measurement generally and then demonstrated predictive validity improvements to the Lazarus hassle scale by adding a substantial range of interpersonal events (Maybery & Graham, 2001). In developing a new hassle measure for University students, a coherent, valid, and reliable component subscale structure was highlighted that included a number of interpersonal subscales (Maybery, 2003a). Further research employing that measure demonstrated the predictive utility of global versus molecular...

Author of Tool: 
Maybery, D. J.

Questionnaires from a Typical Writing Study

These questionnaires ask a series of questions relating to college experience. In the Pennebaker, J.W., Colder, M., & Sharp, L.K. (1990) study, participants were told "During today's session, I want you to let go and write about your very deepest thoughts and feelings about coming to college. College, as you know, is a major transition. In your writing, you might want to write about your emotions and thoughts about leaving your friends or your parents, about issues of adjusting to the various aspects of college such as roommates, classes, or thoughts about your future, or even about...

Author of Tool: 
Pennebaker, J.W

Life Engagement Test (LET)

Recent models of behavioral self-regulation (Carver and Scheier, 1981, 1990, 1998), themselves descendents of generations of expectancyvalue models of motivation (Atkinson, 1964; Vroom, 1964; Feather, 1982; Shah and Higgins, 1997), suggest that two elements are important in creating behavior: (a) the ability to identify goals that are valued and (b) the perception that those goals are attainable. Of these two elements, it is the value dimension that is of interest here. Valued goals are important because they provide a purpose for living. Valued goals also provide the mechanism by which...

Author of Tool: 
Scheier, M. F., Wrosch, C., Baum, A., Cohen, S., Martire, L. M., Matthews, K. A., Schulz, R., & Zdaniuk, B.

Goal Adjustment Scale--(GAS)

People cannot always attain their goals. For example, sociostructural, biological, and normative factors can reduce the opportunities for goal attainment as people advance in age (Heckhausen & Schulz, 1995). Biologically and socially determined rules govern when people should retire, and there are implicit age norms guiding important life transitions (Baltes, Cornelius, & Nesselroade, 1979; Neugarten, 1969). The sequential nature of development also requires individuals of all ages to go through different life stages (Havighurst, 1973), frequently forcing them to leave valued...

Author of Tool: 
Wrosch, C., Scheier, M. F., Miller, G. E., Schulz, R., & Carver, C. S.

The Emotional Self- Disclosure Scale (ESDS)

People vary in how willingly and how often they discuss their emotional experiences with others. Research indicates that men and women sometimes diverge in their disclosure tendencies, usually in response to unique characteristics associated with the topic and recipient of the disclosure.The Emotional Self-Disclosure Survey (ESDS) consists of 40 topics concerned with the types of feelings and emotions that people experience at one time or another in their life. This survey is concened with the extent to which you have discussed these feelings and emotions with your counselor.

Author of Tool: 
Snell, W. E., Jr., Miller, R. S., & Belk, S. S.

The Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale (MFSDS)

The research literature on self-disclosure is not consistent with gender stereotypes. While some studies demonstrate that women are more self-revealing than men, some find the opposite to be the case. The Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale (MFSDS) has four separate subscales: two masculine scales assess the tendency to discuss agentic, instrumental traits and behaviors; and two feminine scales measure the tendency to self-disclose about communal, expressive traits and behaviors.

Author of Tool: 
Snell, W. E., Jr.

Costs and Benefits of Friendship

Friends do not share copies of our genes, nor do we generally reproduce with our friends. Around the world, however, people form friendships that last for days, years, and even a lifetime. One of the complexities of friendship is that some characteristics of friendship are perceived as both beneficial and costly. The friendship literature, for example, is inconsistent on the role of sexuality in opposite-sex friendship. More than half of men and some women report sexual attraction to their friends (Kaplan & Keys, 1997), and both sexes experience ambiguity about the sexual boundaries...

Author of Tool: 
Bleske, A.L., & Buss, D.M.

Regulatory Fit Induction (RFI) Instrument

The preposition is that the fit between an action's strategic orientation and the actor's regulatory state can influence the amount of enjoyment the action provides. Regulatory fit can be manipulated both incidentally and integrally. Incidental regulatory fit involves activating fit separately from the context of the task of interest. Integral regulatory fit involves activating fit within the context of the task of interest; there are many ways to induce integral fit (see for example Cesario, Higgins, & Scholer, 2007). Regulatory fit, whether manipulated incidentally or integrally, can...

Author of Tool: 
Higgins, E. T.

Activism Orientation Scale (AOS)

The issue of how an activist identity develops is one of the core issues in social psychology and social movement research. Because of problems in the measurement of individuals' propensities to engage in social action, however, findings in this area are often equivocal, and cross-study comparisons and conclusions are difficult to draw. Hence authors developed the Activism Orientation Scale (AOS) to assess individuals' propensities to engage in social action.

Author of Tool: 
Corning, A. F., & Myers, D. J.

Multiple Sclerosis Self-Management Scale-Revised (MSSM-R)

In the development of the Multiple Sclerosis Self-Management Scale-Revised (MSSM-R) we have attempted to create an instrument that addresses both the multidimensional nature of self-management in general, and those aspects of self-management that may be specific to the experience of persons with MS. Recent definitions of self-management consistently highlight its multidimensional nature. Among the most frequently identified dimensions, which we have incorporated in the MSSM-R, are:
(1) Understanding one’s condition and participating in learning about MS;
(2) Managing one’s...

Author of Tool: 
Malachy Bishop & Michael Frain
