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Preschool Outdoor Environment Measurement Scale (POEMS)
Includes a user guide, the scale and scoring protocol (additional Scoring Protocols are sold in a set of 10 separately, reliability and validity information, and a technical assistance manual for program improvement and planning can be found at the weblink below.
Walking Route Audit Tool for Seniors (WRATS)
The main domains addressed by the Walking Route Audit Tool for Seniors (WRATS) are: functionality, safety, aesthetics, and destinations. The tool includes 59 items and most are measured using a 3-point scale.
Saint Louis Environment and Physical Activity Instrument
The questionnaire includes a detailed assessment of walking behavior, places to walk, barriers to being physically active, neighborhood infrastructure for walking and cycling, perceptions about places for walking, social assets, social support for physical activity, community assets, policy attitudes, and sedentary behaviors.
The Panic Attack Questionnaire
The PAQ is a comprehensive tool that aims to for assess various aspects of panic phenomenology. It begins by providing respondents with a definition of panic attacks (according to DSM-III) to create a common understanding of the construct. From there, participants construct their self-assessment. It collects information about participant's frequency of panic attacks and the context in which they arose, as well as intensity of pain symptoms. The final section of the questionnaire consists of open-ended questions about medication use, stress, and treatment received for other illnesses or...
The Global Measure of Equity Scale
According to Equity theory, people perceive a relationship as equitable when they and their partners are getting what they both “deserve” from their romantic and marital relationships. In theory, couples feel most comfortable when their romantic and sexual relationships are maximally profitable, and (considering what they and their partners contribute to their relationship) they are reaping all the rewards they deserve—no more and certainly no less (See Hatfield, Walster, & Berscheid, 1978). Equity has been found to relate to many aspects of relationships and appears to be important...
Fruit, Juice and Vegetable Availability Questionnaire (FJV-Q)
There is a paucity of empirical evidence regarding whether parents can precisely remember and report the foods in their kitchen. Marsh, Cullen, and Baranowski (2003) conducted interviews in the residences of parents with 4th to 6th grade children. Parents were questioned about whether certain fruit, juices, and fruits were present in their homes in the past week. The parents were next asked whether the study investigator could go into the kitchen and observe whether the foods were present at that time using a shelf inventory. The results demonstrated that there was good agreement between...
Participation Survey of Mobility Limited people (PARTS/M)
Items on the Participation Survey of Mobility Limited people (PARTS/M) were designed using interviews with 15 experts of mobility impairments. These interviews were complemented the input of 15 focus groups. The PARTS/M has been tested with mobility-impaired individuals across diagnoses, including; stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and spinal chord injury. PARTS/M may be a useful measure of some components of participation in major life activities for people with mobility limitations in the community setting.
Metereopathy Questionnaire (METEO-Q)
The term meteoropathy derives from the Greek ‘meteora’ (things high in the air or celestial phenomena) and ‘pathos’ (illness, suffering, pain), and it is used to indicate every pathological dimension in some way related to weather conditions. This concept is referred to a set of temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and brightness. Meteoropathy can be considered a syndrome: in fact, it is represented by a group of symptoms and pathological reactions that manifest when there is a gradual or sudden change in one or more meteorological factors in a given area.
Scientists claimed...