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Young Child PTSD Screen
The structure of six items was based upon the desire to identify youth who have at least five PTSD symptoms. When young children are diagnosed with a developmentally sensitive algorithm (Scheeringa et al., 2003; Scheeringa, Zeanah, and Cohen, 2010), the average number of symptoms ranges from seven to 10, and clinical intervention trials typically require at least five symptoms for inclusion (Cohen et al., 2004; Scheeringa et al., in press).
The YCPS has not been used in a study yet. These wordings are derived from years of experience of conducting interviews and designing diagnostic...
System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time
SOFIT (System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time) is a comprehensive tool for assessing physical education classes by providing for the simultaneous collection of data on student activity levels, the lesson context, and teacher behavior. Physical activity engagement is one of the main health-related goals of physical education and it is needed in order for students to become physically fit and physically skilled. Participation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during class is highly dependent upon how physical education subject matter is delivered (i.e., lesson context)...
Nutrition Environment Measures Survey (NEMS)
See the Nutrition Environment Measures Survey (NEMS) website below for more information on tools and training opportunities.
School Physical Activity Policy Assessment (S-PAPA)
The S-PAPA uses open-ended, dichotomous, multichotomous, and checklist formatting and has 7 background items and three modules: (a) Physical Education (40 items); (b) Recess (27 items), and (c) Other Before, During, and After School Programs (15 items). Test-retest results suggest SPAPA items are reliable and can be useful in assessing PA policies in elementary schools (Lounsbery et al., 2011). Total administration time for all three modules is approximately 23 minutes.
Preschool Outdoor Environment Measurement Scale (POEMS)
Includes a user guide, the scale and scoring protocol (additional Scoring Protocols are sold in a set of 10 separately, reliability and validity information, and a technical assistance manual for program improvement and planning can be found at the weblink below.
Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale – Youth (NEWS-Y)
The tool assesses residential density, land use mix (including indices of proximity and accessibility), street connectivity, infrastructure for walking/cycling, neighborhood aesthetics, and traffic and crime safety. There are separate self-administered versions for parents and adolescents (aged 11 and above).
The NEWS-Y instrument was derived from the NEWS-A, adaptations were made based on interviews with youth and parents, and it was tested in the Active Where? Study.
PIN3 Neighborhood Audit Instrument
The tool was originally developed to assess environments in urban and rural North Carolina. Researchers are encouraged to use the instrument in other geographic areas to confirm their applicability to different locations.
Active Where? Surveys
The Active Where? Study was designed to develop measures to understand how the physical environment impacts physical activity and eating behaviors related to chronic diseases, such as obesity, among children and youth. This study started with individual interviews with children and parents 'in situ', thus allowing researchers to observe and interact with youth while using neighborhood and park environments. This formative work was designed to generate appropriate items.
A set of quantitative survey measures was developed to assess home, neighborhood, park, and school environments to...