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Naval Aviator Human Factors Questionnaire

The civilian aviation centric Cockpit Management Attitude Questionnaire ( CMAQ; Gregorich et al., 1990) was adapted for naval aviation. It was necessary to change some of the language to ensure that it would make sense to naval aviators. A draft questionnaire was distributed to a group of 20 experienced naval aviators for comment. The comments from these aviators were used to develop the Naval Aviator Human Factors (NAHF) questionnaire. The NAHF consisted of 31 questions pertaining to five categories:

  • My stress: 6 items. This scale emphasizes the consideration of- and...

Author of Tool: 
O’Connor, Jones, McCauley, & Buttrey

The IDEA: Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood

Arnett (2000) has proposed that the time of life roughly between ages 18-25 be considered a "distinct period" called emerging adulthood (EA). Essentially, this is a time when individuals tend to consider themselves too old to be adolescents, but not yet full-fledged adults. The Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (IDEA) can be used to explore individual differences in self-identification with the processes of EA. Education of parents on the concept of EA could give parents added understanding of their children's life choices and delays in accomplishment of traditional adult...

Author of Tool: 
Reifman, A.

Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL)

The Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL) is concerned with ways in which others affect persons' responses to stressful events. The ISEL consists of a list of 40 statements concerning the perceived availability of potential social resources. The items are counterbalanced for desirability; that is half the items are positive statements about social relationships while the other half are negative statements. Items each fall into four 10-item subscales; tangible support, appraisal support, self-esteem support, belonging support.

Author of Tool: 
Brummett, B. H.

Global Citizen Scale

The Global Citizen Scale assists researchers fostering global citizenship identity in educational settings and model the process of identification with a global citizenship identity.

Author of Tool: 
Reysen, Stephen

Belief in Collective Emotions Scale

The article in which the Belief in Collective Emotions Scale was published consisted of three studies where participants' belief in collective emotions and related concepts were examined. Participants' belief in the existence of collective emotions positively correlated with measures of in-group identification, collective guilt assignment to an out-group, patriotism, conformity to the in-group, collectivist values, and collective self‐esteem. The belief in collective emotions mediated the relationship between in-group identification and patriotism, and it also mediated the relationship...

Author of Tool: 
Reysen, Stephen

Affective Learning and Teacher Evaluation

Experts in Educational Psychology have determined that there are three general categories of learning: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor. The results of research in instructional communication suggests that instructor communication behavior may have its strongest impact on affective learning, although certainly impacting the other categories as well. Hence, measurement of affective learning has received considerable attention in this field. The first measures of affective learning in instructional communication research were developed in the 1970s. These evolved over a...

Author of Tool: 
McCroskey, J. C.

Attitudes to Surgical Checklist Questionnaire

Surgical checklists have been shown to be effective in reducing mortality rates and improving teamworking when applied in operating theatres.However, despite the benefits of checklist for patient safety, in some cases the practical implementation of the checklist has been found to be less than universal, and to decay over time.Based upon 14 semi-structured interviews, the 27-item questionnaire attitudes to surgical checklist questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire consisted of five subscales: attitudes towards hospital norms on the use of the checklist (five items), the impact of...

Author of Tool: 
O'Connor, Reddin, O'Sullivan, O'Duffy, & Keogh

Sources of Social Support Scale (SSSS)

This scale is part of the body of research on the effects of a multi-modal cognitive-behavioral stress management intervention on the psychosocial well-being of breast cancer patients. In the course of this work, several questions have arisen about social support. One question is whether different sources of support matter in different ways (e.g., partner, friends, health care providers). Another question is how different aspects of support differ. Indeed, there is a developing literature suggesting that negative support is more impactful than positive support. Neither of these questions...

Author of Tool: 
Carver, C. S.

Measure of Attachment Qualities (MAQ)

The Measure of Attachment Qualities (MAQ) is a measure of adult attachment patterns. It has separate scales to assess secure attachment tendencies and avoidant tendencies, and two scales reflecting aspects of the anxious-ambivalent pattern. This measure is based on four studies. Three studies relate self-reports of adult attachment qualities to broader aspects of personality. The pattern emerging from the studies indicates that avoidant attachment is inversely related to extraversion and to agreeableness but is relatively unrelated to manifest anxiety or neuroticism. Qualities of...

Author of Tool: 
Carver, C. S.

Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-Org)

The relationship between stress and health (i.e., both physical health and psychological well-being) has received much attention over the years, with researchers demonstrating a consistent association between the two; that is, the more stress people experience, the poorer their physical and mental health. People with higher stress levels report significantly lower overall health and well-being, report the presence of significantly more adverse health symptoms (e.g., increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances), are at greater risk for long-term health problems (e.g., hypertension,...

Author of Tool: 
McCreary, D. R., & Thompson, M. M.
