Although the hand hygiene (HH) procedure is simple, the related behaviour is complex and is not readily understood, explained, or changed. Appropriate theories of behavioural change are often not considered in the design and use of assessment tools relating to HH behaviour. The COM-B HHB questionnaire is reliable and valid and has the potential to provide data to support the development, and evaluation, of HH interventions that meet the needs of specific healthcare units.
Increasingly, post-secondary education (PSE) institutions are pressured to prepare graduates for success in the workplace. Given the rate of change in today’s knowledge economy a knowledge-transfer paradigm is no longer sufficient. Instead, PSE may develop students into lifelong learners. While this notion is not new, our understanding of the characteristics of lifelong learners and our ability to assess these characteristics is somewhat limited. Further, whether work-integrated learning (WIL) programs contribute to students’ lifelong learning characteristics remains unexplored.
Author of Tool:
Drewery, D., Pennaforte, A., Pretti, T. J., Fannon, A. M., & Smith, E.
People often think about their relationship after it ends. Previously, most studies of romantic relationship breakups assumed that people only think about negative memories from their ex-relationship. The authors proposed that individuals also think about positive memories after a breakup, and that thinking about positive memories can also make it difficult to move on from a breakup. They created the PANERT, a 12-item measure, to examine this.
The Big Three Perfectionism Scale (BTPS) assesses three higher-order global factors (rigid perfectionism, self-critical perfectionism, narcissistic perfectionism) via 10 lower-order perfectionism facets (self-oriented perfectionism, self-worth contingencies, concern over mistakes, doubts about actions, self-criticism, socially prescribed perfectionism, other-oriented perfectionism, hypercriticism, grandiosity, entitlement).Following from the results of Smith, Saklofske, Stoeber, & Sherry (in press), the BTPS appears to be a promising new instrument for the multidimensional assessment of
Unlike most other instruments developed to assess meaning/purpose in life (e.g. Purpose in Life Test, Meaning in Life Questionnaire), the Logo-Test-R does not attempt to directly assess meaning in life by explicit statements about meaningfulness (e.g., I understand my life's meaning) or the lack of it (e.g., My personal existence is utterly meaningless, without purpose). Rather, the Logo-Test-R includes factors contributing to a sense of meaning and symptoms resulting from its absence or weakness.
Author of Tool:
Konkolÿ Thege, Barna (revised version) / Lukas, Elisabeth (original Logo-Test)