People often think about their relationship after it ends. Previously, most studies of romantic relationship breakups assumed that people only think about negative memories from their ex-relationship. The authors proposed that individuals also think about positive memories after a breakup, and that thinking about positive memories can also make it difficult to move on from a breakup. They created the PANERT, a 12-item measure, to examine this.
The study of children's perceptions of family events has led to increased understanding of their reactions to such events at both theoretical (e.g., Davies & Cummings, 1994; Grych & Fincham, 1990) and empirical levels (e.g., Grych, Seid, & Fincham, 1992; Kurdek & Berg, 1987; Mazur, Wolchik, & Sandier, 1992).
Author of Tool:
Fincham, F.D., Beach, S.R., Arias, I., & Brody, G.
Guided by Grych and Fincham's theoretical framework for investigating the relation between interparental conflict and child adjustment, The Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale (CPIC) was developed to assess children's views of several aspects of marital conflict.
The need to belong is one of the most fundamental and well-researched human motives. The need to belong is a‘‘strong desire to form and maintain enduring interpersonal attachments.’’ Researchers contend that this need can account for much of the research on interpersonal behavior. This Need to Belong Scale is the most recent and empirically sound of the current need to belong measures.
The Measure of Attachment Qualities (MAQ) is a measure of adult attachment patterns. It has separate scales to assess secure attachment tendencies and avoidant tendencies, and two scales reflecting aspects of the anxious-ambivalent pattern. This measure is based on four studies. Three studies relate self-reports of adult attachment qualities to broader aspects of personality. The pattern emerging from the studies indicates that avoidant attachment is inversely related to extraversion and to agreeableness but is relatively unrelated to manifest anxiety or neuroticism.
Personal living space (PLS) is a concept intended to designate a class of residential environments that holds increasing importance within contemporary urban life (Inions 1999; Naar and Siple 1976). Much more than a bedroom but less than a full-fledged house, a personal living space is typically a room nestling within a larger residential setting while affording primary territory for a designated individual. PLSs are pertinent to several developmental stages of modern lives.
Author of Tool:
Gosling, S. D., Craik, K. H., Martin, N. R., & Pryor, M. R
A number of studies have found that persons whose partners reportedly supported their efforts to quit smoking were more likely to quit smoking and maintain abstinence. Less clear, however, is what kinds of partner behaviours are helpful to quitters and what kinds are harmful. This lack of information about mediating behaviours may be responsible, in part, for the ineffectiveness of interventions designed to facilitate spouse/partner support for quitting smoking.
The Social Network Index (SNI) assesses participation in 12 types of social relationships. These include relationships with a spouse, parents, parents-in-law, children, other close family members, close neighbours, friends, workmates, schoolmates, fellow volunteers, members of groups without religious affiliation, and religious groups. One point is assigned for each type of relationship (possible score of 12) for which respondents indicate that they speak (in person or on the phone) to persons in that relationship at least once every two weeks.
The Youth Quality of Life Instrument - Short Form (YQOL-SF) measures generic quality of life in youth ages 11-18 years with and without chronic conditions and disabilities. The short form includes 15 perceptual items measuring the domains of sense of self, social relationships, environment, and general quality of life, developed with Rasch methodology (publication forthcoming).
Many scales have been developed for the classification of, and quality of life associated with, mental illness. However, less attention has been paid to the families of mentally ill patients who can also experience difficulty. Many family members in this situation have to take on fulltime roles as caregivers, or at the very least experience they a heightened concern for the well-being of the patient and themselves. To measure this possible burden in relation to schizophrenia, in particular, the Perceived Family Burden Scale (PFBS) was developed.
Author of Tool:
Levene, J. E., Lancee, W. J., Seeman, M. V.
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