Offshore Safety Questionnaire (OSQ)

Author of Tool: 

Mearns et al.

Key references: 

Mearns, K., Whitaker, S., & Flin, R. (2003). Safety climate, safety management practices and safety performance in offshore environments. Safety Science, 41, 631-640;

Mearns, K., Whitaker, S., Flin, R., Gordon, R., & O’Connor, P. (2003). Factoring the human into safety translating research into practice. Volume 1: Benchmarking human and organisational factors in offshore safety. Norwich, England: Her Majesty’s stationary office.

Primary use / Purpose: 

To measure the attitudes to safety climate of personnel working on offshore oil platforms.


The Offshore Safety Questionnaire (OSQ) was developed from previous research into safety climate in offshore environments.


The 19 statements attitudinal statements about safety yielded two common factors in exploratory factor analysis, relating to perceived supervisor competence and perceived management commitment to safety. The 11 items pertaining to unsafe behaviour yielded two factors in exploratory factor analysis in each year that addressed unsafe behaviour under incentives, and general unsafe behaviour.


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