Marital Forgiveness Scale (Dispositional)

Author of Tool: 

Fincham, F.D. & Beach, S.R.

Key references: 

Fincham, F.D. & Beach, S.R. (2002). Forgiveness in marriage: Implications for psychological aggression and constructive communication. Personal Relationships, 9, 239-251.

Primary use / Purpose: 

A measure of forgiveness for use with married couples


Forgiveness is a construct that might help us understand the occurrence of psychological aggression and general patterns of communication in marriage. The marital forgiveness scale assesses forgiveness dimensions in relation to situations where the respondent's partner had 'wronged' them' or 'hurt them'. Higher scores indicate greater agreement with statements.


Cronbach alphas are:
positive dimension, wives = .79,husbands = .78
negative dimension, wives= .81, husbands = .78



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