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How To Lower Pulse 2024: Things To Keep In Mind

Andrew Robert Shassetz

Reviewed by Dr. Drew Sutton, MD
how to lower pulse
Maintaining a normal pulse rate is vital for overall well-being. Photo: Cast Of Thousands/Shutterstock

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A racing heart can be more than just a response to stress or physical exertion – it can be a telltale sign of underlying health issues. But what if there was an unconventional way to maintain a steady tempo? 

This brings us to an intriguing question: Does CBD lower heart rate?

This article delves deeper into the heart’s rhythm and tempo, explores how to gauge your resting heart rate accurately, and discusses what constitutes a healthy range for this vital biomarker. 

How To Lower Your Pulse Rate?

  • Guided Breathing Techniques
  • Take A Relaxing Bath
  • Embrace A Heart-Healthy Diet
  • Exercising Regularly
  • Monitor Your Heart Rate
  • Consider Beta Blockers

How To Lower Pulse?

Let’s not forget every heart beats to its rhythm. Understanding this rhythm, and learning how to adjust the tempo, is key to unlocking a healthier you. Armed with these tips, you’re one step closer to reducing your pulse rate and paving your way to healthier heart days.

Guided Breathing Techniques

It might surprise you, but something as simple as your breath holds profound power over your heart rate. Ever noticed how your breath quickens when startled? That’s your body’s natural response. 

Flipping this coin, consciously slow, guided breathing techniques can help lower your heart rate. These practices aren’t merely for the monks in the mountains but for everyone seeking better cardiovascular health.

Take A Relaxing Bath

Take A Relaxing Bath
Hot baths can improve blood flow and help lower resting heart rates. Photo: RossHelen/Shutterstock

Remember the instant calmness you feel when you sink into a warm bath? It’s more than just relaxing your muscles; it’s also beneficial for your heart. Studies suggest hot baths can improve blood flow and help lower resting heart rates. So, don’t skip that bath; your heart might thank you.

Embrace A Heart-Healthy Diet

It’s often said, “You are what you eat.” In the context of heart health, a diet low in saturated fats and high in fruits, veggies, and whole grains can help lower your heart rate. 

In addition, a heart-healthy diet can keep body weight in check, reducing the burden on your heart and promoting efficient blood pumping.

Exercising Regularly

According to the American Heart Association, exercising at least 150 minutes per week can significantly lower your risk of heart disease. In addition, regular physical activity helps control body weight and can lower your resting heart rate. So, lace up your sneakers and help your heart beat a healthier rhythm.

Monitor Your Heart Rate

Place your middle finger on your wrist or neck; do you feel the thump? That’s your heart at work, tirelessly pumping blood. Regularly monitoring your heart rate, especially during exercise, can help you maintain a healthy range and avoid potential heart complications.

Consider Beta Blockers

For some, beta blockers can be a lifesaver. These drugs slow down the heart rate, helping to prevent heart attack and lower the risk of all-cause mortality. But, of course, they’re not for everyone and should only be used under medical supervision.

Why Is High Pulse Concerning?

A high pulse rate, or tachycardia, is when your heart beats over 100 times per minute. Why’s that worrying? Well, CDC stats say heart disease[1] is the top cause of death in the US. So although a high pulse isn’t always heart disease, it could hint at other health problems.

Here’s the scoop: Your heart’s job is to pump oxygen-filled blood to your body’s parts. If it’s beating too fast, it’s like a sprinter starting a marathon with a full-speed dash – it’ll wear out quickly and not do the job either.

A speedy heartbeat might mean less oxygen and nutrients get to where they’re needed, leading to health issues from feeling light-headed to serious heart failure. It could also suggest other conditions like hyperthyroidism, anemia, heart disease, or reaction to stress, caffeine, alcohol, or certain meds. 

Occasional fast heart rates can be normal, especially with exercise or stress. But a high pulse at rest? That’s more concerning.

Tips To Prevent High Pulse      

Limit Stimulants

Our lives are often punctuated by the stimulants we consume, whether that morning cup of joe or an occasional cocktail. But here’s the perplexing part: stimulants like caffeine and alcohol could increase our resting heart rate, putting undue stress on our cardiovascular system. 

Limiting alcohol consumption and being mindful of caffeine intake could be your first step towards maintaining a heart rate within the normal range.

Eat More Fish

Eat More Fish
Consuming more fish can help lower your heart rate. Photo: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

Ever wondered why sushi lovers seem to have a certain glow? It might be their hearts rejoicing! Consuming more fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, could have health benefits that ripple through your cardiovascular system. Recent randomized controlled trials suggest a correlation between higher fish consumption and a lower heart rate. 

Practice Deep Breathing

In the bustle of daily life, we often forget the simple, soothing act of deep breathing. Engaging in deep breathing exercises or web-based mindfulness interventions can help calm your mind and heart, potentially lowering your resting heart rate and reducing the risk of sudden cardiac events.

Maintain Physical Fitness

A fit body often houses a fit heart. Regular physical activity keeps your heart muscle in good shape, enabling it to pump blood more efficiently. This can, over time, help lower your fast heart rate. Increased physical fitness[2] could reduce the risk of heart complications, including the tragic eventuality of sudden death. 

When To See A Doctor?

Life is a dance of uncertainty, and when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s vital to recognize the moments when expert guidance is necessary. 

While occasional fluctuations in heart rate are normal, there are times when reaching out to a doctor becomes imperative. So let’s shed light on the puzzling signs that should prompt a medical consultation:

Persistent High Resting Heart Rate

If your heart rate consistently exceeds the normal range, despite your efforts to lower it through lifestyle changes, it’s time to seek medical advice. A continually elevated heart rate might indicate an underlying condition that requires further investigation.

Chest Pain Or Discomfort

Chest pain, tightness, or discomfort should never be taken lightly. These sensations could signify heart-related issues, such as coronary heart disease, and necessitate immediate medical attention.

Shortness Of Breath

It could be a sign of an underlying heart problem if you struggle for breath during everyday activities or even at rest. Don’t delay contacting a healthcare professional if you experience persistent breathlessness.

Dizziness Or Fainting

Frequent episodes of dizziness or fainting should raise concerns. These symptoms may indicate an interruption in blood flow to the brain, potentially linked to an irregular heartbeat or other cardiac issues. 

Family History Of Heart Disease

If heart disease or other cardiovascular conditions run in your family, taking proactive measures to prioritize your heart health is essential. Regular check-ups and open discussions with a healthcare provider can help you stay ahead of any potential concerns.

Timely intervention can make all the difference in identifying and addressing underlying issues, ensuring a symphony of harmonious heartbeats through life’s journey.


Prioritizing heart health and maintaining a lower pulse rate is vital for overall well-being. You can take control of your cardiovascular health by implementing strategies such as deep breathing, a heart-healthy diet, regular exercise, and seeking medical advice when necessary. 

Remember, your heart is the conductor of your life’s symphony, and with care and attention, you can ensure a harmonious rhythm that leads to a healthier and happier life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the standard range for a resting heart rate?

The normal resting heart rate for a typical adult ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. However, age, health status, and fitness levels can influence this. For instance, athletes or those who frequently exercise might have resting heart rates below 60 beats per minute.

How widespread is the issue of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure or hypertension is a global health issue of alarming proportions. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly one-third of adults worldwide, roughly 1.13 billion people, grapple with this condition.

Can a high resting heart rate spell trouble for heart health?

A consistently elevated resting heart rate can increase the risk of heart disease. In addition, research has drawn links between higher resting heart rates[3] and an increased likelihood of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks or heart failure. Hence, keeping a healthy heart rate is vital for cardiovascular health.

How do deep breathing exercises help in regulating heart rate?

Techniques like diaphragmatic or paced breathing stimulate the body’s relaxation response, leading to a decline in heart rate and blood pressure and promoting a sense of calm and stress level reduction. Regular practice of deep breathing exercises can aid in controlling heart rate and fostering overall cardiovascular wellness.

Any diet tips for maintaining a lower pulse rate?

Embracing a heart-healthy diet can help lower your pulse rate. This includes limiting saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium while ramping up fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats intake. In addition, foods rich in potassium, such as bananas and leafy greens, can regulate blood pressure and encourage a lower pulse rate.

Does regular physical activity affect resting heart rate?

Absolutely; regular aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling can positively influence your resting heart rate. They bolster the cardiovascular system, making your heart more efficient in pumping blood, which, over time, can lead to a lower resting heart rate.

Are there medications to help lower heart rate?

Yes, certain medications like beta-blockers are used to reduce heart rate and manage various heart-related conditions, such as hypertension, arrhythmias, and angina. They block adrenaline’s effect on your heart, slowing the heart rate and easing its workload.

What’s the benefit of monitoring resting heart rate?

Regularly monitoring your resting heart rate offers valuable insights into your cardiovascular health. Shifts in resting heart rate can signal changes in fitness or stress levels or even hint at potential health issues. Understanding these patterns helps make informed lifestyle and exercise choices and seek medical advice when needed, enhancing heart health.

+ 3 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Anon, (2023). Heart disease deaths – Health, United States. [online] Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/hus/topics/heart-disease-deaths.htm.
  2. Lavie, C.J., Milani, R.V., Marks, P. and de Gruiter, H. (2001). Exercise and the heart: risks, benefits, and recommendations for providing exercise prescriptions. Ochsner journal, [online] 3(4), pp.207–13. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3116747/.
  3. Peer, N., Lombard, C., Steyn, K. and Levitt, N. (2020). Elevated resting heart rate is associated with several cardiovascular disease risk factors in urban-dwelling black South Africans. Scientific Reports, [online] 10(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61502-4.


Andrew, a seasoned health coach and nutrition consultant, combines his expertise in traditional naturopathy and functional medicine with exceptional writing skills. Following a significant life change due to a car accident, he transitioned to freelance writing,… See More