Squire's Quest! Measures

Author of Tool: 

Baranowski et al.

Key references: 

Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Cullen KW, Marsh T, Islam N, Zakeri I, Honess-Morreale L, deMoor C. Squire’s Quest! Dietary Outcome Evaluation of a Multimedia Game. Am J Prev Med. 2003, 24(1): 52-61.

Cullen KW, Watson K, Baranowski T, Baranowski JH, Zakeri I. Squire’s Quest: Intervention changes occurred at lunch and snack meals. Appetite. 2005, 45(2): 148-51.

Primary use / Purpose: 

Squire's Quest! is a 10-session individually-focused psychoeducational, multimedia game delivered over the course of five weeks in an elementary school setting, with each session lasting about 25 minutes. Predicated on social cognitive theory, educational activities attempted to increase preferences for fruit, juice, and vegetable (FJV) consumption through repeated exposures and associating fun with their consumption, increase asking behaviors for FJV at home and while eating out, and increase skills in FJV preparation through making virtual recipes. Included here are some of the measures Baranowksi and colleagues developed in order to measure these constructs of interest.


Fruit, juice, and vegetable (FJV) consumption among elementary level children is worryingly low. Initiatives are warranted to enable children to increase FJV intake. Individually-oriented psycho-educational multimedia assists the delivery of interventions and utilizes known behavior change principles. Baranowksi and colleagues have developed measures to address and measure behaviour and attitudinal constructs related to FVJ behavior change.


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