Sport Emotion Questionnaire

Author of Tool: 

Marc V. Jones, Andrew M. Lane, Steven R. Bray, Mark Uphill, James Catlin

Key references: 

Jones, M. V., Lane, A. M., Bray, S. R., Uphill, M., & Catlin, J. (2005). Development and validation of the sport emotion questionnaire. Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychology, 27, 407-431

Primary use / Purpose: 

The Sport Emotion Questionnaire (SEQ) is a sport-specific measure of precompetitive emotion to assess anger, anxiety, dejection, excitement, and happiness. The SEQ has also been employed successfully to evaluate recalled emotions in a sport setting (Vast, Young, & Thomas,2010)


Athletes experience multitudinous emotions in sport settings (Hanin, 2000; Lazarus, 2000). Increasingly, research efforts are concerned with the prevalence of emotions and relationships between emotions and performance rely on the availability of valid measures. The Sport Emotion Questionnaire (SEQ) represents a sport-specific tool of pre-competitive emotion comprising items grounded in the experience of athletes.


Validation tests, including face, content, factorial, and concurrent validity has been conducted (see Jones et al., 2005).



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