The Sexual Orientation Harassment Scale (SOH).

Author of Tool: 

Estrada, A. X., Probst, T. M., Brown, J. & Graso, M.

Key references: 

Estrada, A. X., Probst, T. M., Brown, J. & Graso, M. (2011). Evaluating the Psychometric and Measurement Characteristics of a Measure of Sexual Orientation Harassment. Military Psychology, 23(2), 220-236.

Primary use / Purpose: 

The Sexual Orientation Harassment Scale (SOH) is an 8-item inventory rated on a 5 point Likert-type scale. Its purpose is to measure harassment in the workplace relating specifically sexual orientation.


Despite the large number of studies which have looked at sexual harassment in the workplace, relatively little research has focused on the theme of harassment due to one’s sexual orientation. Further, studies show that harassment due to sexual orientation is at least as prevalent as other forms of sexual harassment. To address this imbalance, Estrada, Probst, Brown, & Graso (2011) developed the Sexual Orientation Harassment Scale (SOH) in order to measure the level of sexual orientation harassment participants had either experienced or witnessed in the previous 12 months.


The psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Harassment Scale (SOH) are discussed in Estrada, Probst, Brown, & Graso (2011).



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