Key references:
Marín BV, Coyle K, Gómez C, Carvajal S, Kirby D (2000). Older Boyfriends and Girlfriends Increase Risk of Sexual Initiation in Young Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 27, 409–418.
Primary use / Purpose:
The questionnaire included a large number of questions about sexuality, including questions on the following topics: existence of a boyfriend/girlfriend and age difference of that boy/girlfriend, knowledge about sexual topics, self-efficacy to avoid various sexual behaviors, norms about various sexual behaviors, perceptions of peer behaviors, opportunity to have sex, pressures to have sex, pre-coital sexual behaviors, various measures of sexual behavior, attempts to pressure someone else to have sex, and reasons to have and not to have sex.
For psychometric properties see article:
Marín, B.V., Coyle, K., Gomez, C., Carvajal, S. , Kirby, D. (2000) Older Boyfriends and Girlfriends Increase Risk of Sexual Initiation in Young Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 27: 409-418.