Severity of Violence Against Men Scale (SVAMS)

Author of Tool: 

Linda Marshall

Key references: 

Marshall, L. L. (1992). The severity of violence against men scales. Journal of Family Violence, 7, 189-203

Primary use / Purpose: 

The SVAMS was designed to assess women's self-reported abuse (threats and violent acts) with an intimate partner.


The Severity of Violence Against Men Scale (SVAMS) evolved out of a need to distinguish the effects of female and male partner violence. This scale represents a measure that applies to female violence against men. The SVAMS is 46-item scale with 9 subscales that examine two main dimensions (threats and actual violence). The acts of violence subscale includes 20 items for male victims. The sexual violence subscale includes 6 items.


Psychometric data are reported in Marshall (1992).



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