Santa Clara Brief Compassion Scale (SCBCS)

Author of Tool: 

Hwang, J. Y., Plante, T., & Lackey, K.

Key references: 

Hwang, J. Y., Plante, T., & Lackey, K. (2008). The development of the santa clara brief compassion scale: An abbreviation of sprecher and fehr’s compassionate love scale. Pastoral Psychology, 56, 421–428

Primary use / Purpose: 

The Santa Clare Brief Compassion Scale is a brief index that assesses compassion and its link to prosocial behaviors. An example from a 'compassion for humanity' item include “”When I hear about someone (a stranger) going through a difficult time, I feel a great deal of compassion for him or her.” Responses are given on a 7-point scale from “Not at all true for me” to “Very true for me.”


The Santa Clara Brief Compassion Scale (SCBCS) is a five item version of Sprecher and Fehr's (2005) 21-item Compassionate Love Scale for Humanity (CLS). The correlation between the original and the brief version of this scale is .96.


Psychometric properties of the SCBCS are presented in Hwang, Plante and Lackey (2008).



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