Organisational Practices Questionnaire

Author of Tool: 

Díaz Cabrera, D., Hernandez-Fernaud, E., & Diaz, R. I.

Key references: 

Diaz-Cabrera, D., Hernandez-Fernaud, E., & Diaz, R. I. (2007). An evaluation of a new instrument to measure organisational safety culture values and practices. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 39, 1202-1211.

Primary use / Purpose: 

The objective of the Organisational Practices Questionnaire is to assess the cultural values, beliefs, etc. of maintenance personnel. In particular, assessing how these cultural characteristics influence safety in work processes


The items in this scale can be organised into two different taxonomies: 1) dimensions of organisational practices and values related to safety management systems; and 2) the organisational culture models proposed by the Competing Values Framework.

The questionnaire consists of 4 sections. The first section presents a brief description of the project and specific instructions on how to fill in the questionnaire. The second section concentrates on background material both in relation to company information and about workers own personal information related to their job. The third section is comprised of items about the organisational values, leadership style, motivational patterns, training programs, communication, safety behaviour promotion, use of information about incidents and accidents and, job satisfaction. Each item has a Likert response scale of 7 points to reflect the degree of agreement, satisfaction or frequency with each question. Finally, respondents are given an opportunity to provide their opinion and feedback on the questionnaire itself.


The scale has shown adequate levels of reliability (Díaz Cabrera, Hernandez-Fernaud, & Diaz, 2007).



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