Key references:
Kines, Lappalainen, Mikkelsen, Pousette, Tharaldsen, Tómasson, Törner (2011). Nordic Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50): a new tool for measuring occupational safety climate. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 41, 634-646.
Primary use / Purpose:
Currently available in 23 languages (see website ).
Seven safety climate dimensions containing a total of 50 items:
1) Management safety commitment and ability (9 items)
2) Management safety empowerment (7 items)
3) Management safety justice (6 items)
4) Employees' commitment to safety (6 items)
5) Employees’ safety priority and absence of risk acceptance (7 items)
6) Learning, communication and trust (8 items)
7) Trust in efficacy of safety systems (7 items)