Key references:
Buhrmester, D. & Furman, W. (2008). The Network of Relationships Inveto-ry:RelationshipQualities Version. Unpublished measure, University of Texas at Dallas.
Primary use / Purpose:
The NRI-Relationship Qualities Version (NRI-RQV)—employs a more eclectic set of relationship qualities to describe the supportive and discordant qualities of relationships among children, adolescents, and adults (Buhrmester & Furman, 2008). This version was primarily developed to broaden the assessment of negative relationship feature (criticism, dominance, exclusion, pressure, and conflict), but it also added positive dimensions (emotional support and approval). The relationship features it assesses are more behavioral and observable in nature (as opposed to attitudi-nal) and are rated on a “how often” frequency scale rather than a “how much” magnitude scale. As such, the scales are easily adapted for observer ratings and third-party informant ratings. The NRI-RQV included with this manual is formatted in a space-saving “matrix” format that is appropriate for participants age 11 years and older.
We have published two papers that explicitly address the validity and reliability of selected scales (Furman, W. [1996] The measurement of children and adolescents’ perceptions of friendships: Conceptual and methodological issues. In W. M. Bukowski, A. F. Newcomb, & W. W. Hartup (Eds.), The company they keep: Friendships in childhood and adolescence (pp. 41-65), Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press; Furman, W. & Buhrmester, D. (2009) The Network of Relationships Inventory: Behavioral Systems Version, International Journal of Behavioral Development, 33, 470-478.
Other Information:
For more information see the scale and scale manual attached below.