Measure of Body Apperception (MBA)

Author of Tool: 

Carver, C. S.

Key references: 

Carver, C. S., Pozo-Kaderman, C., Price, A. A., Noriega, V., Harris, S. D., Derhagopian, R. P., Robinson, D. S., & Moffatt, F. L., Jr. (1998). Concern about aspects of body image and adjustment to early stage breast cancer. Psychosomatic Medicine, 60, 168-174.

Petronis, V. M., Carver, C. S., Antoni, M. H., & Weiss, S. (2003). Investment in body image and psychosocial well-being among women treated for early stage breast cancer: Partial replication and extension. Psychology and Health, 18, 1-13.

Primary use / Purpose: 

Measures self-reported appreciation of body.


Body image is often thought of in terms of physical appearance, but there is also a body image pertaining to integrity, wholeness, and normal functioning. People who are greatly concerned about either aspect of their body image are vulnerable to poorer psychosocial adjustment when confronting treatment for breast cancer. The poorer adjustment takes a different form, however, depending on the nature of the patient's body-image concern . The Measure of Body Apperception (MBA) is a measure of the investment in, or dependence on, one's body image as a source of the sense of self-worth. It has two scales, which reflect reliance on physical appearance, and reliance on a sense of body intactness or integrity.


For details on psychometrics see: Carver, C. S., Pozo-Kaderman, C., Price, A. A., Noriega, V., Harris, S. D., Derhagopian, R. P., Robinson, D. S., & Moffatt, F. L., Jr. (1998). Concern about aspects of body image and adjustment to early stage breast cancer. Psychosomatic Medicine, 60, 168-174.



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