Irvine Minnesota Inventory

Author of Tool: 

Kristen Day, Marlon Boarnet, Mariela Alfonzo, Ann Forsyth.

Key references: 

Day, K., Boarnet, M., Alfonzo, M., & Forsyth, A. (2006). The Irvine–Minnesota Inventory to Measure Built Environments. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30(2), 144-152.

Boarnet, M. G., Forsyth, A., Day, K., & Oakes, J. M. (2011). The Street Level Built Environment and Physical Activity and Walking: Results of a Predictive Validity Study for the Irvine Minnesota Inventory. Environment And Behavior, 465(6), 735-775.

Primary use / Purpose: 

The Irvine Minnesota Inventory measures a wide range of built environment features that may affect physical activity, especially walking. It includes 160 items, which cover four domains: accessibility, pleasurability, perceived safety from traffic, and perceived safety from crime.


Understanding the impact of the built environment on physical activity levels requires reliable methods to measure potentially relevant built environment features. The Irvine Minnesota Inventory was designed to measure a wide range of built environment features that are potentially linked to active living, especially walking. The Irvine Minnesota inventory includes 160 items, which cover four domains: accessibility (62 items), pleasurability (56 items), perceived safety from traffic (31 items), and perceived safety from crime (15 items). The inventory includes both a paper version and a version in Microsoft Access, to allow data to be input into the computer directly.


The items in the inventory were tested for inter-rater reliability (Day, Boarnet, Alfonzo, & Forsyth, 2006)⁠ in both southern California and the Minneapolis - St. Paul metropolitan area. Inter-rater reliability was high, with 77 percent of the items attaining 80% agreement or better in both southern California and Minnesota reliability tests. The predictive validity of the inventory was also tested (Boarnet, Forsyth, Day, & Oakes, 2011).


Other Information: 

The Irvine Minnesota Inventory Tool and Training Manuals as well as aditional information is available from the UC, Irvine website.

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