Key references:
Juarascio, A., Forman, E., Timko, C. A., Butryn, M., & Goodwin, C. (2011). The development and validation of the food craving acceptance questionnaire. Eating Behaviors, 12, 182-187.
Primary use / Purpose:
Research has suggested that mindfulness and acceptance are important factors in the development, maintenance, and treatment of obesity and eating disorders. However, few instruments are available that apply the constructs of acceptance and mindfulness to eating behaviour. The Food Acceptance and Awareness Questionnaire (FAAQ) was designed to fill this void. It is a self-report instrument that is comprised of 10 items, each rated on a seven-point likert rating scale that ranges from never true to always true. It consists of two scales: Ability to regulate eating despite urges and cravings, and Desire to maintain internal control over eating thoughts. Higher scores on the instrument are indicative of greater acceptance of motivations to eat. The results of Juarascio and colleagues (2011) suggest that the FAAQ might be a valuable tool for assessing acceptance of food related thoughts and urges.
The instrument has been found to have sound psychometric properties (Juarascio et al., 2011)
Other Information:
Other keywords: Eating; Mindfulness; Acceptance; Food;