Key references:
Leary, M. R. (1983). A brief version of the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 9, 371-376.
Primary use / Purpose:
When the BFNE Scale was tested on a clinically anxious population. Factor analysis supported the construct validity of the BFNE. The validity of the BFNE was further demonstrated through significant correlations with social avoidance and depression, and non-significant correlations with agoraphobic avoidance and demographic variables. The scale obtained excellent inter-item reliability (α=.97) and 2-week test-retest reliability (r=.94). Discriminant function analysis also supported validity of the BFNE. For example, individuals with social phobia scored significantly higher on the BFNE than those with panic disorder and a group of non-psychiatric community controls (n=30). The BFNE was sensitive to pre- to post-CBT changes in both social anxiety and panic disorder, and changes on the BFNE correlated significantly with other measures of treatment responsiveness, such as reductions in somatic arousal, depression and other anxiety symptomatology. These research findings strongly support the validity of the BFNE and its clinical utility as an outcome measure in social anxiety treatment.