Appearance-based Rejection Sensitivity (Appearance-RS) Scale (Long and Short Form)

Author of Tool: 

Park, L. E.

Key references: 

Park, L. E. (2007). Appearance-based rejection sensitivity: Implications for mental and physical health, affect, and motivation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 490-504.
Park, L. E., & Pinkus, R. T. (2009). Interpersonal effects of appearance-based rejection sensitivity. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 602-612.

Calogero, R. M., Park, L. E., Rahemtulla, Z. R., & Williams, K. C. D. (2010). Predicting excessive body image concerns among British university students: The unique role of appearance-based rejection sensitivity. Body Image, 7, 78-81.

Primary use / Purpose: 

The Appearance-Based Rejection Sensitivity (Appearance-RS) Scale assesses the personality-processing system characterized by anxious concerns and expectations about being rejected based on one's physical attractiveness.


Appearance-based Rejection Sensitivity (Appearance-RS) reflects a personality processing system characterized by anxious concerns and expectations about being rejected based on one’s physical attractiveness (Park, 2007). People differ in their sensitivity to rejection based on appearance with unique consequences for mental and physical health, affect, and feelings of belonging. Specifically, Appearance-RS predicts increased symptoms of eating disorders and the tendency to make appearance-based comparisons with others. People high in Appearance-RS who are reminded of a negative aspect of their appearance report feeling more lonely and rejected than those low in Appearance-RS. These effects, however, can be attenuated by having people self-affirm (think about their greatest strength) or be reminded of a close, caring relationship partner.


The full 15 item and short 10 item ARS scales are measured on a 6 point Likert scale, from very unlikely to very likely. The Appearance-RS scale was found to b a reliable, valid scale for both genders. The scale has high internal consistency and test–retest reliability, reflecting a relatively enduring and coherent personality processing system. Furthermore, Appearance-RS correlated, as expected, with dispositional measures of selfesteem, Appearance CSW, attachment styles, personal-RS, neuroticism, and self-rated attractiveness.



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