Adult Separation Anxiety Questionnaire - ASA-27

Author of Tool: 

Manicavasagar, V., Silove, D., Wagner, R., Drobny, J.

Key references: 

Manicavasagar, V., Silove, D., Wagner, R., Drobny, J. (2003). A self-report questionnaire for measuring separation anxiety in adulthood. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 44, 146-153.

Manicavasagar, V., Silove, D., & Curtis, J. (1997). Separation anxiety in adulthood: A phenomenological investigation. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 38, 274-282.

Primary use / Purpose: 

ASA-27 is a 27-item self-report questionnaire that purports to examine symptoms of separation anxiety experienced after 18 years of age, with Likert ratings on a scale of zero (this never happens) to three (this happens very often).


Scale items were constructed as adult equivalents of childhood separation anxiety disorder Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV symptoms.


Sound psychometric properties for the ASA-27 have been demonstrated (Manicavasaga, Silove, & Curtis, 1997).



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